chapter 15

15 0 0

as i wake up i scrunch my face and groan because of how bright the sun is. when my eyes finally adjust, i look over to the clock and see that its almost 10am. i smile knowing that i have some time before i have to actually get up.

last night the voice over the speaker announced that today we'd be camping out. i'm not all that excited about it but since i get to share a tent with zain, i figure it can't be all that bad.

they want us up and ready by 12pm since we have to set up our tents and all that. i just hope we get to make s'mores. and i also hope we don't get mauled by a bear or something. but they wouldn't have us camp out if it wasn't safe, would they?

before my brain can get lost, i hear the bed-springs bounce on zains bed and turn over to him. his beautiful brown eyes meet mine and the smile that appears on his face causes me to blush.

"morning li." his raspy morning voice traveled toward me.

"morning." i giggled as he began to cutely stretch.

its crazy how beautiful he looks doing a simple task. 

"how excited are you to be camping out?" zain squealed as he sat up.

"so excited." i giggled as he got up to pack his camping bag.

i groaned at the fact that we're going to be going further into the woods. i mean, why cant we just camp out infront of our cabins, why do we have to hike up a stupid mountain to camp? how do they even know its safe to do that? god this is crazy. 

as i got out of my thoughts i saw the time was 11:20am so i quickly got up and started packing my camping bag. when i finished it was 11:30am, so i set my bag on my bed and walked outside with zain beside me. we quickly skipped down the stairs and made our way to the lunch cabin. there was barely a line so we quickly got our food and went to sit at our regular table.

"morning sleepyheads." marcus chirped as we sat down. 

"morning" i groaned and zain chirped back.

"you guys ready to be camping out."

"always!" zain giggled and i nodded in agreement as i stuffed my face with pancakes.

after a while of sitting in silence and eating our pancakes, a voice over the speaker announced that we had to head back to our cabins and get our camping bags. i was not at all ready for this. i've never been camping before, i have no idea of what to expect. 

as we finished throwing out our trash we all start heading to our cabins. zain and i dropped the other lads off at their cabin and quickly made our way to ours. when we got inside the cabin there was another voice announcement over the speaker. 

"once you all have your camping bags, please start heading up the mountain. when you reach, you will be greeted by your camp counselors. enjoy!" 

ugh, i'm so not excited about hiking up this mountain. i don't even know where it is. i haven't seen any mountains or anything that might even resemble one.

"ready" zain chirped as he had a big smile plastered on his face.

"yup, lets go!" i giggled as i raced him out the cabin and down the stairs where we were met by harry, marucs, and kyle. 

"i hate that we have to do this every year." mark groaned and i smiled knowing i wasn't the only one who hated the idea of camping. 

the herd of the other campers caught our attentions so we started to follow them.  it doesn't even seem like there's much of us here, but with us all being in the same spot at the same time proves there is. 

after what felt like 5 mintutes of walking, we were finally hiking our way up a pretty big mountain. like holy crap, it was big. how do they expect us to hike this? how..just why? 

"have you ever been camping before?" zains voice brought me from my thoughts and i shrugged.

"no, not really. i had a sleepover in my back yard but it was nothing like this." i chuckled and he nodded as he slipped his hand in mine.

i have no idea if i'm ever going to get use to this feeling but i kinda hope i don't, i just love it so much. 

after about 3 minutes, we all finally reached the top of the mountain. like the voice of the speaker said, all 3 of our camp counselors were standing in front of us. 

"well done guys! now, be sure to have your buddie by your side. once you do, you may find a section to set up your tent. if you need help, you can ask any of us. after the tents are set up, please meet back here for the campfire." the lady in the middle finished speaking and zain and i went off to find a spot near the edge since the view there was gorgeous. 

the forest below was absolutely breath taking. the lake looked so much better from up here, if only there was a way to jump into it from here. 

after i was finished admiring the view, i turned around to ask zain if he was ready to set up the tent but before i could ask i noticed it was already up. 

"wow, how did you do that so fast?" i asked in awe.

"i've been doing it for the past 4 years." he giggled and i blushed.

"well how come they haven't set theirs up yet? i chuckled as i looked over and saw how badly kyle, harry, and mark were struggling to set up their tent.

"because i was always the one to do it." zain giggled as he rolled his eyes and walked over to help them.


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