I don't kiss and belle

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winner of the last contest was @grunge-lrh yeah!!!


Calum was hunched over his desk, furiously scribing into his notebook. His oversized sweater kept falling off his shoulder, sending a chill up his spine and the flower crown that sat on the top of his head kept falling down into his eyes every few moments, causing him to stop writing and adjust it.

the classroom was empty because the bell had rang a few minutes ago, but Calum didn't hear it since he was so caught up in his writing. he didn't even look up until Ashton came and sat on top of his desk, forcing calums pencil to the ground.

"hey Cally" Ashton spoke loudly and his voice echoed throughout the room. "what are you writing" he picked up Calum's book and held it above his head. Calum stood and jumped to get the notebook from Ashton's hands, but he was much too short. "what are these, song lyrics? when will you stop wasting your time writing, you shouldn't waste your pretty face" Calum's face grew red in fury as he jumped even higher to get his book back.

"and says who? you have no right to decide what I do and to take my things!" Now it was Calum's voice that rang in the room and he jumped and stomped his foot.

"says who? says your boyfriend of course!" Ashton laughed and held the book even higher.

"you are not my boyfriend, and you never will be!" Ashton frowned and let the book fall out of his hands and drop to the floor.

"i will be Calum, don't you worry"


to put it simply Calum was a beautiful boy. He was sweet and kind to everyone he encountered, and he was well known for how talented he was at songwriting. He got high grades in all of his classes and was always smiling. His curly hair was always fluffy and unruly, and his golden skin shown with all the love in his heart. he eyes sparkled 24/7 and he's only ever seen the good in everyone, well everyone except Ashton.

Ashton was loud, and he was demanding. he seemed to think he could get whatever he wants because his family was rich, including Calum. Regardless of the fact that he could have anyone in the school, he wanted Calum, the one person who didn't want him. And Calum had no issue with telling him that.

Calum entered his music writing class and took his usual seat in the back. The bell rang a moment later and the teacher began explaining an assignment that Calum wasn't paying attention to. He looked up when he heard the front door to the room slam shut.

"Mr. Hemmings, nice of you to join us" the teacher tssked while shaking his head.

"you should be happy I showed up at all" Luke walked past the teacher without looking up and sat in a seat in the far corner.

Calum turned around and looked at Luke. He didn't think he's ever seen Luke before (he never came to class), so naturally Calum wanted to see who he was. Luke's leather jacket was creased and worn as it sat on his back and his black ripped jeans looked painted on. his combat boots clanked as he walked and Calum could smell the smoke on him. never the less, he was still so attractive to the softer lad.

Calum was snapped out of his thoughts from a gruff voice saying "can I help you?" Calum jumped at Luke's deep voice and quickly turned red and scrambled to turn around quickly. He could here Luke's laugh from behind him and he turned even redder and sunk down in his chair in embarrassment.

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