the price of money

799 71 33

caketopia guessed the fairy tale and hemmobasorexia got the characters

only one more after this:(


Luke slammed his locker shut as he finished filling his book bag with textbooks he would need for the day. he was trying to convince Ashton, his best friend to skip math with him today.

"Luke we both know you can't afford to skip anything. the only reason you're at this school is because you're on a scholarship, you lose it, you're out. don't jeopardize that" Luke rolled his eyes yet nodded at his friend's wise words before walking into math. they took their seats beside each other as usual until the bell rang and the teacher looked up from his desk.

"alright guys, new semester new seats!" everyone groaned together as the teacher went on to name the seated pairs and the desks they will be sat in. Ashton was sat in the back next to a kid named Michael, who was only popular by being on the soccer team; no one really liked him to much.

"-Luke and Calum, in the middle left row!" luke felt his face flush as he kept his head down and walked to throw desk. Calum sat next to him, quickly picking up his phone and playing on it. he had on the same black skinny jeans as Luke but he wore a red plaid shirt that fit him a little tight, his choice of course. his phone was the iPhone 7, hasn't come out yet but that's what happens when your dad is CEO of apple. one his ears held a diamond stud and just looking at him was too expensive for Luke.

"hey, do you have a pen?" Luke was shaken out if his stares by calum himself.

"um, yeah, I think so" luke felt his face burn as he rummaged through the backpack he's had since he was 10, since he couldn't afford to get a new one. he found an extra pen in the bottom of the bag and handed it to Calum.

"thanks, oh you like all time low?" Luke looked down at his all time low shirt, it was the type only available at the shops at concerts but his friend gave him this one.

"yeah I love them!" luke smiled, finally being able to relate to the billionaire Calum.

"that's a concert shirt right? I went to the concert too, and Alex kissed his pick and threw it into the crowd, I caught it! and I got to meet them back stage afterwards and Jack kissed me cheek, it  was amazing" Calum gushed, his face turning a light pink in excitement. Luke's bubble of happiness was gone, of course Calum's privilege would make it impossible to relate.

"oh that's cool, I just watched the show, from the parking lot" luke mumbled the last part lowly so calum didn't hear.

"oh that's cool! you should come to our club meeting today at lunch, I think you'll like it"

"yeah sure, I'll go" calum could've told Luke to jump off a bridge at lunch and Luke still would've done it. (same)


After math was lunch, so Luke followed Calum as he sped walked the hallways into the classroom the club was being held. along the way Calum waved and said hi to every person that passed him, not only was he loaded and gorgeous, he was nice as hell.

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