i aroha koutou

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writing new Zealand native/Maori calum is my shit okay I'm gonna be so extra about it fight me

this is the last one guys:'-( cry with me

Luke stepped off the plane and instantly was greeted with the humid air of New Zealand. he was captivated by the beauty of the greenery around him; England was deprived of such nature. he looked at the colorful flowers and birds, and clear blue skies and lovely natives with their sun kissed golden skin and dazzling smiles. Luke could live here forever.

after being brought to his new home Luke stepped out into the forested area behind his house; he followed a worn dirt path until he heard soft singing coming from his right.

he turned and saw a hunched figure with his back turned toward Luke sitting on the grass in a little clearing a few steps ahead. he was mumbling something Luke couldn't recognize, maybe in another language. the closer Luke got the softer he made his footsteps so he could hear the soft singing the boy was doing
(I used Google translate so I'm so sorry if this translation isn't 100% correct) ((and it's just I miss you by blink in maori)) ((fight me))

"...hello reira , anahera i toku moepapa, te atarangi i roto i te papamuri o te puke.."

the boy stopped singing suddenly and jerked around to see who was behind him. His dark amber eyes widened in curiosity and his plump lips fell open in surprise. Luke could see that the boy had plucked flowers from around him and was weaving them into a circle in his lap.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I just want to hear more of what you were singing" the boy continued to stare at Luke with the same look and Luke walked around and sat across from him in the grass. "I'm Luke" the boy furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips into a confused face and Luke mentally rolled his eyes at how dumb Luke is.

"can you understand me?" the boy nodded. "the way you talk is just funny, I've never heard anyone talk like that" Luke smiled at the boys sentence and ran his tounge over his lips in preparation for his next question

"what are you? or who are you? shit - the came out really wrong, I just meant - I want to know more about you without sounding bad" Luke reached up and began pulling on his hair in fustration at his terrible speaking skills but the boy just chuckled. he reached up and took Luke's hand out of his hair and put it in his lap instead.

"I know you're not trying to hurt feelings or anything, you're curious. but I'll start simple: I'm a boy, I'm named Calum, I'm tangata
whenua, born and raised in new Zealand" now Luke's eyebrows furrowed.

"what does tangata whenua mean?"

"it's a different way to say Maori, it means 'people of the land' so it's means more than just from here; I live off this land and it's a part of me" Luke nods and gestures to the flowers in Calum's lap

"what are you doing with the flowers?"

"my sister's birthday is next week and I'm making her a flower crown out of her favorite flowers, Mānuka"

"could I help?" and when Calum nodded Luke felt like he had flowers blooming in his chest.


Luke and Calum were once again sitting in the clearing behind Luke's house across from each other talking.

"do you think you could teach me Maori?" Luke said after listening to him singing a green day song translated into Maori. "it's sounds so pretty" Calum nodded and pulled his arm into his lap. Calum began saying words on Maori and writing with his his finger on Luke's arm.

"water is wai, flower is puawai..." as the sun went down the two boys continued to say simple words in two languages until Luke grabbed Calum's arm and stopped him from writing on his arm.

"how do you say 'I love you'?" Calum's breath hitched and he wet his lips and swallowed thickly.

"it's 'i aroha koutou'" Calum looked up to see Luke face alot closer to his, their noses bumping and Luke's eyelashes brushing against Calum's cheeks. Calum closed his eyes and took a jagged breath in and raised his hand to trace the words on the hollow of Luke neck. Luke visibility shivered when his skin came in contact with Calum's fingers.

Luke opened his mouth and let out a breath that flew directly onto calum lips at the feeling of Calum's fingers on his neck. he swallowed and felt his mind go blank except for calum calum calum. Calum was all he could think about in his blank mind until his mind was alive with colors and feelings and emotions he didn't know he had when Calum's lips touched his.

he calum doesn't know if he leaned forward of if Luke did, all he know is he's glad it happened. Luke's lips on his was his new favorite feeling and nothing he enjoyed before this is comparable. Luke pulled back lightly to breath but when the resumed kissing Calum could feel the "i aroha koutou" pressed into his mouth.


a month later Luke's grandmother fell ill. she had no one to take care of her, so Luke has to move back to England to help her until her death. Luke walked with a heavy soul to the clearing to tell Calum and beg him to come with, but to no avail. Calum belonged to New Zealand, and would step foot nowhere else. Luke whispered promises of coming back into Calum's hair and neck and Calum's accepted them with kiss on every available skin. the final separation was brutal; they felt the invisible tie pulling them together snap as soon as Luke set foot on the plane, leaving calum to sit in the clearing making Mānuka flower crowns and whispering i aroha koutou into the dark.


tbh I loved writing this so much omg I hope it's good

place to guess the fairy tale

place to guess the characters (there's literally only
2 bc I got carried away srry)

I love you guys so much, thanks for supporting this book, I loved writing it! but you can go check out my other book bitches love cake and leave requests and prompts from me! I'm gonna post a "winners page" part when this part gets guessed but until then, leave love!

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