trust me

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so Grunge-lrh got it again last time! whooo!

Luke walked over to the side of a big building and set his guitar case on the ground. he pulled out his guitar but left the case open in front of him. He strummed a free chords and hummed for a bit, warming up his voice before beginning to sing.

I might never be your knight in shining armor
I might never be the one you take home to mother
And I might never be the one who brings you flowers
But I can be the one, be the one tonight
(I'm 1d af sorry not sorry)

once luke finished he heard a coin drop into his guitar, but mostly people kept brushing by and ignoring him. He played a few more songs, only receiving about 20 cents apiece. Luke took his change and stuffed it in his pocket. he placed his guitar back in his case and stood up right as a big limousine pulled up to the building entrance beside him. Suddenly the street was filled with paparazzi and people screaming surrounding the car. through the commotion luke could see a tall man exit the car and walk straight in. another man exited the car and Luke was blown away.

he was gorgeous and Luke was speechless. he ran his hand through his hair and began to follow him into the building, only to be stopped by security. Luke's sighed and looked longingly at the door before turning and heading back home.


Calum sat in his office reading official papers littering his desk. He sighed and raked his hands through his hair as he looked up at the clock. at 9 a new client was supposed to come so Calum can introduce himself and get him starting recording. it 8:50 now and Calum hopes he'll be here soon.

a knock on his office door interrupts calum from his train of thought. the door opens without waiting for a response and, of course it's Michael.

"I was wondering if you wanted a coffee" Michael was Calum's father's assistant. Calum's father was CEO of Hi or Hey records, making Calum second in power. Calum mostly handled the music side of things: songwriting, producing, and recording, while his dad did management and business. Michael was a college intern who worked under Calum's dad. and for some reason Calum couldn't stand him.

"no Michael, I'm fine" Calum grumbled while brushing past him to exit his office and deals down to the lobby. Calum went to the front desk and leaned over to talk to the secretary.

"has the new artist come in yet?" the secretary clicked through her computer and shook her head "no one has checked in for you mister hood" Calum nodded and began to walk back towards his office before he heard a yelp from behind him.

he turned around to see a tall blonde guy jogging up to him. "I'm the new artist, Mr. Hood" Calum squinted as he looked the guy up and down. "are you sure you're the artist?" Calum asked as the guy instantly nodded his head.

"I'm Luke Hemmings" Luke held out his hand and Calum shook it "I'm Calum Hood"


While Calum was walking down the hallway with Luke his office phone rang. Michael walked in and answered the phone. the person on the other side was the rep from All Time Low, he said the band had missed their flight to Australia and would be missing the meetings for the next few weeks. Michael looked out the window to see Calum and his "new client" writing in the recording studio. a wicked smile made way onto Michaels face. "oh I'll be sure to tell Calum his client is gonna be a little late"

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