The last letter...

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I ran. I ran for my life. I looked back and saw his black car following me. All I could do was keep on running, so I did. I was running out of breath and starting to freak out even more as the car was so close to me.

I could faintly see an old abandoned factory and ran towards it. The brick was old and crumbling down. The entire place was covered in ivy making it look even more old and creepy. But I had to get away so it was the only option. Most of the windows were boarded up or broken. I looked forwards and hoped to see any sign of an entrance. And there at the far end of the factory was the only entrance I could possibly fit through. I kept on running but there was no use. He was so close. The car suddenly stopped. He started to get out. I caught a short glimpse of his face as I turned around to see his how far away he was from me. Honey golden hair and blue eyes. He looked different to the people who usually tried to kidnap me. He was younger and more like an evil price whereas the others looked like typical scary villains.  

There was no other way out. I wouldn't be able to reach the door on time. He would easily catch up. So I raised my hand towards him. I really didn't want to have to use my curse but I had to, to save myself. He only wanted me for my curse. That's what they always wanted. The reason I always had to run. Those people had tried so many times but I was always luck. I had always had people to save me. Like Sarah.

I was lost in regretful thoughts and tripped. I fell to the ground. As I fell Something shot out of my hand. A green light. Something I had never seen so vividly. It had never been this strong. I looked up in shock. Something about him made me stronger. Like a weird connection. He stopped for a second too and then started to run again. I got to my feet and managed to create a ring of fire around him. The fire was green like the light that had shot out of my hands. Again it was stronger than ever. I took the chance and ran to the door. It was hanging off. I threw myself in, bashing the door down.

A  burning pain soared in my elbow but I kept on running. I started to run up the metal stairs. I was now standing on a metal platform. It was almost like a bridge and swayed as I ran across.

I looked behind me and suddenly felt his strong arms around me. He pulled me down and we fell to the ground.

I punched and kicked as hard as I could. He was as hard as a stone. It was useless. I cried out in pain as he hit my elbow.

"Let me go! Let go!" I shouted. I carried on with the kicking but he had my arms pinned to the ground and was inches away from my face. So close. He stopped for a second and mumbled something but I couldn't hear even though he was so close. I took the opportunity and kicked him as hard as I could. He cried out in pain and let me go.

I threw him to the side and got up.
I heard him curse loudly. I knew I had no chance as I saw him get up again. So I ran towards an old dusty desk. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote my last words...

So this is my death letter.
I was writing  on a piece of paper I found here, in this abandoned factory. My hands were shaking as I wrote. They finally managed to catch me. They finally have what they wanted. My death. I never understood why they wanted to kill me. I guess it's because they don't want people like me here. I have these weird powers. This light just comes out of my hands and I can do things. And I can hurt a lot of people with them. But I can also protect a lot of people. But it's usually the first one. I guess thats why they want me gone. So I carried on writing and this is what it said:

~My name is Violet Roads
~I am 16 years old.
~ I  have been running since the age of 13. Running from you...
I know you people want to kill me but I have one last message:

Alice & S.j. ,
I'm so sorry for all I have done. I wished I could of saved her. I should have. I know I can never repay you. But at least I'm gone now and I won't be able to hurt anyone else. 
Because now they finally have want they death.

Then it was all black as I felt his arm around me once again.

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