Chapter 11 - The mark

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Quick note: the mark represents karma, fullness and wholeness.
But in this book for me it also represents the earth and its elements. Earth, wind, water and fire. It represents power, bravery, that the person who is chosen to wear the mark of prophecy is the chosen one and wise.
Enjoy ;)

"Josh" I finally spoke.
He was still panting on the ground, leaning against the brick wall.

" that was the voice from your dreams righ?" He asked.
" yeah " I said although it sounded kind of stupid to just say 'yeah' back.

" I thought so " he said back. I had no idea where this conversation was headed. It was awkward. I had just almost killed him and then he got 'possessed' by the voice from my dreams. And this was all after I had given him some stupid mark.

So does that mean everything about me is cursed. I thought.
No I was just an unlucky person.
" Josh " I started. " has this all got to do with that mark thingy I gave you?"

" I think the reason I'm still alive is because of you " he said putting his head in his knees. I guess he was still shocked. 

" the reason you nearly died is because of me. I didn't save you!" I said annoyed at myself. I kneeled down next to him.
" I'm sorry " I said and put my head in my knees trying to stop the tears that were escaping my eyes.

Why did I always have to hurt everyone I loved.
My mom and dad , my step parents and now I almost killed josh.

He looked up at me all huddled up.
" violet " he said placing his hand on my shoulder.
" stop it!" I called. " I almost killed you and all you say is 'Violet' ?"

" what do you want me to say?!" He exclaimed.
" I don't know?" I cried back.
" stop crying " he said calmly.
But I didn't stop. I mean how could I ? I had been like one second away from getting him killed.

I shook my head. He lifted my shoulders making me look him directly in his stormy eyes.
" stop crying. It's going to be a lot harder if we want to go on this mission of yours. You have to learn to be able to let go of people " he said sternly.

" stop talking crap. You know I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you!" I shouted.
" you survived all these years without me ! " he exclaimed.
" yeah only because a dozen people died trying to protect me! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed you as well!" I sighed from all the crying.

" well don't worry. You will always be able to protect me now. And I'll always be able to protect you" he assured me, pointing at the mark on the inside of his left wrist. I had a sudden urge to touch his tanned skin there. Before I could even really realize what I was doing, I lifted my hand and  brushed the skin where the mark was. He took my hand in his. He was so warm. I started to feel an unfamiliar feeling. It felt like butterflies. Electric sparks went up my arm at his touch.

Then he hugged me. My body fired up. Sparks everywhere. I almost couldn't control myself.
What was this feeling?
Then he let me go. I instantly felt sad and missed his wam touch and sweet smell. Then he grabbed my hand.
" come. We better start training.  Let's just forget this"
And we walked together, still hand in hand. Still feeling sparks all over.


"Okay. So You can control wind. We saw that from earlier" he laughed. I just glared at him in confusion and anger. How could he think it was funny that he had almost died?
" whatever " I mumbled.
" water... Well when you cried you started to creat a puddle. So I guess that shows that we are probably half there" I stated. " okay let's get started.
Then he lifted his hands and stretched them apart. In the space between his hands was a huge drop of water. The colors were amazing. It almost looked like a the milky-way but in blue.  Then he let go of it and put the huge drop into his left hand and completely destroyed a target puppet . It was such a beautiful way to be destroyed. I watched as what looked like glitter fell in the air almost like the water had evaporated around the puppet.
" what a pretty way to be destroyed" I gasped.
" I know" he smiled. " we elemental believe in everything to do with nature. the founders  only created elemental in the beginning to look after the earth so that they could go of and do whatever they did. But then the conflicts began. Which obviously lead to war. So the founders came down from their kingdoms, which humans call heaven by the way, and created the fortris Elementals, which you are, and passed them on to each Element group to fight and lead for their element.  After the first Great War, which I think the humans call world war 1, the elements decided to unite otherwise they would have died.  And when they united so did the elements. That's why we can control all the elements" he said looking at his bleeding hands. Clearly using powers that strong had it's consequences. I took his hand like he had taken mine that day I had trained till my hands had bled and a white light appeared. Josh smiled at my achievement.
" so why am I here then ?From what I see there is no war " I asked as I tried to avoid the feeling of sparks in my hand from touching him. I looked straight into his eyes. At his gorgeous face. Wait... Since when did I find it so gorgeous? I asked myself. 
" that's why we were all so shocked when we found out you were an elemental. And in the great prophecy it had said every time 4 fortris elements are brought down to earth, from the heavens that is" he smiled and thanked me for healing his hands.
" so there are others like me are out there!" I said excitedly.
" yes. And if the malum elementals find them" he stopped himself. He didn't need to finish his sentence for me to understand.

" wait! So if I came from heaven... Does that mean I wasn't like made made" I gasped.
" huh?" He said.
" I mean wasn't I made by my parents or what?" I asked awkwardly but couldn't help laughing at the stupidity of my question.
" you were made made like that" he laughed back.
" good to know my parents are my real ones and I'm not like baby Jesus or something" I laughed. He laughed back.
I gazed at his gorgeous face. I had a sudden urge to lock my lips on his.
Wait. I wanted to kiss him?! I registered in my mind. Did that mean I.... No of course it didn't don't be stupid I laughed in my head. I wanted to mentally slap some sense into myself.
" your like an angel" he said. I felt myself blush. And when I mean blush I mean like volcano hot and red. I guessed all the heightened feelings were an elemental thing. Did he just say I was like an angel?

" I mean you are an angel" He said and blushed nervously.
" w-what do you mean?" I stammered. I felt red and hot and the butterflies in me were going crazy. Internally I hopes he meant he thought of me that way. But externally I wasn't prepared for it if he said it. I mean I would probably, knowing me, faint or something.

" well your a fortris elemental so your pretty much an angel. You came from heaven. So to be logical... You are an angel " he stated tucking his hands away in his pockets nervously. I instantly felt disappointed. I had thought he was saying I looked like an angel. I seriously needed to be realistic here. Me, Violet Roads and pretty like an angel.... That was way off.
" and what are you and the other elementals then?" I asked
" only part angel" he said still embarrassed from the previous awkwardness.

" why didn't captin tell me this when we all found out I was a fortris?" I asked concerned.
" because he was waiting until you put the mark on someone" he said.
" why?" I asked confused.
" because it activates whole new powers. It also gives the person you put it on some of the same power and strength "he said. " why do you think you were able to heal me without learning how to. Having and passing on the mark  activates these powers" he said.
" that bum" I mumbled. So he was just using me to strengthen his forces or what?
" did you even notice that you have the mark as well?" He asked. He pulled out my arm and traced the circle mark on my arm where the mark was. A shiver went down my spine. 
Then he traced the outline of my jaw until he reached my lips. My heart skipped a beat.
I felt the butterflies and then sparks all at the same time. It was almost like eating something that was way too sweet. I instantly wanted more.

" Violet, your the first angel I've ever seen"

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