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Angela POV

I woke up somewhere to be very unfamiliar and I instantly got scared I'm going to look for somebody to help me as I walk through the trees I can see Meek and Nicki running across the beach I started yelling their names.

Angela:" Meeeeek" I yelled
Instantly getting his attention.

Meek: "what the hell have you been?"he asked.

Nicki: "why the hell did you sleep with Safaree?"

I instantly froze up I don't even know what to even say or how to explain.

Angela:" I'm so sorry I didn't mean to it was an accident". I said with my voice cracking.

Meek:" why the hell would you want to hurt me like this I didn't do anything to you all I did was be a good boyfriend and lover." He said with tears in his eyes.

Nicki POV

Nicki: "Meek she has something that she needs to tell you".I said.

Angela:" Nicki please don't do this."

I was 5 seconds from slapping the hell out of here but I had to remember that she was pregnant.

Nicki: "tell him now or I'll tell him."

Meek: "what the hell are you two talking about?"he asked getting impatient.

Angela: "OK I'll tell him. Meek I'm pregnant". She said with tears coming down her cheeks.

Meek: "how long were you going to keep me in the dark about it?"

Angela: "I didn't know how to tell you." She said wiping the tears from her face.

Meek: "how far along are you?"

Angela: "two and a half weeks."

Meek: "that's not my baby."
he said with a straight face.

Angela: "how in the hell could you say that to me."

Meek: "it's not mine because we haven't had sex in a month because I've been on the road."

Me and Angela put our hands over our mouth.

Nicki: "so you mean to tell me this is Safaree baby?"I asked angrily rubbing my temple.

Meek: "how the fuck could you do that to me yo?"he said with his eyes full of hurt.

Angela: "I'm sorry I didn't mean too".

Meek: "stay the fuck out of my Life". he said walking away.

Nicki: "you and Safaree can have each other". I said following Meek.

Me and Meek were walking on the beach for what felt like hours until he just collapse and sat on the beach I I felt so bad for him when I looked at on because all I could see was tears falling down his cheeks.

Nicki :"Are you okay?"I asked him. Honestly knowing he wasn't.

Meek: "no not really I'm not had this much hurt since my dad died this shit is killing me."

Nicki:" I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. But Meek can I be honest with you?"

Meek: "yeah I need it from someone."

Nicki: "Welllll". I drug on as I was twisting my fingers nervously.

Meek: "come on spit it out!!" He said getting agitated.

Nicki: "OK Meek I have feelings for you. I've always had feelings for you." I said with a nervous look on my face. I just poured my heart out.

Meek: "how long have you had these feelings?"

Nicki: "Since I first met you with Safaree."

Meek: "that's funny because I've always had feelings for you too.
But I just stayed in my lane I don't want to break up a happy relationship or break up my own relationship."

Nicki:" Me and Safaree have been far from happy it was taking a toll on me everyday just to be around him."

Meek: "I think we should try it out only if you want to."

Nicki:" I don't think we're ready we just got out of a bad situation but it won't hurt to try". I said holding his hand tight.

Meek: "that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I just want to know how the hell we're going to get out of here."

Nicki: "I think we should go look for supplies or something on the plane."

We started walking towards the plane debris to search for supplies or something too call for help. We were walking hand in hand until Safaree jump in front of us

Safaree POV

Safaree: "so this is how you two betray me" I said looking at Nicki and Meek with their hands locked together .

Nicki:" fuck you Safaree, you had a baby on me with her. now get the fuck out of our way . She said with so much disrespect.

Safaree: "bitch I ain't goin no where". I said.

Meek: "call her out her name again and imma kill you bitch ass."

Safaree: "I can call my bitch a bitch all I wh-...."

Before Safaree to finish his sentence Meek punched him square in his face knocking him out cold.

Meek POV

Meek: "stay out our way pussy!" I said stepping over his body.

Meek and Nicki got to the plane and Nicki spotted something

Nicki: "what is that...."

Sorry for the errors sorry I didn't update Thursday I had something come up. Enjoy!!!

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