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Nicki POV

Nicki: OMG where the hell were you I could have been killed. I yelled.

Meek: By what? why are you
running? He asked.

Nicki: something was chasing me. you said you would always be there to protect me. where were you?

Meek: I'm sorry baby ,but what was chasing you did you get a look at it?
he asked.

Nicki: no I didn't, I heard a noise in the bush so I ran.

Meek: let me see what's in the bush.

so Meek Crept up to the bush slowly he pull the branches apart and looked down and he began to laugh.

Nicki: Okay ,where's the funny?

Meek: come here man.

I begin to walk reluctantly to see what Meek was looking at. When I got to the bus I look down and saw a small capuchin monkey eating peanuts. I'm so embarrassed.

Meek: so this was the big monster that was supposed to kill you? He asks with a smirk on his face.

Nicki: Okay stop, what if there was a big animal that was trying to kill me? where were you?

Meek: I went back to the plane to find my song book. I also saw Safaree and Angela on the Beach. Angela's not looking too good.

Nicki: do you think she's been eating or drinking Safaree is not the type to climb trees or nothing. He has no survival skills so I know she hasn't been eating.

Meek: what you want me to do about it?

Nicki: I think you should go get her and bring her here so we can make sure she eats and drinks. Dont you think you should bring Safaree too?

Meek: naw he's a grown ass man. He not gettin my help not the way he did me. And the only reason I'm considering Angela is because she's pregnant and I don't want that on my conscience if she gets sick.

Nicki: Okay but he's still a human being. you Don't have to forgive them right away. Don't let your heart form hatred for them.

Meek: but Nicki is not that easy. He was my best friend. how could you do something like that to your best friend. And the crazy thing is I still care about him man. come on Nicki let's go get them . He said with a sad look on his face

We started walking towards the beach we saw Angela and Safaree sleeping. Meek decided to wake them up.

Meek POV

Meek: y'all wake up. I said as I started to shake them.

Safaree: yeah

Angela: I'm up. what ?

Meek: come on me and Nicki found a spot where we can get food and water.

Safaree: so that means y'all forgive us? he asked with pleading eyes.

Meek: no I didn't say that I just can't have y'all die out here. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. So let's go.

Angela: thank you she said she hugged me putting her arms around my neck. I tried to pull away but I her grip was tight.

Nicki: Okay that's enough of that. backup! that ain't yo man no more.

Angela: Okay . Am I missing something ? She asked.

Meek: Me and Nicki are together now so whatever you thought it was it wasn't going to happen.

Meek: y'all coming or not? I asked getting annoyed.

Angela and Safaree: yeah

So we begin to walk back to Me and Nicki spot.

Nicki: Here take this. she said giving though some food and a bottle of water.

Nicki POV

They were so hungry they begin to devour the food so quick. I told Angela she can change into a pair of my clothes. Angela began to cry .

Nicki: why you crying?

Angela: because what we did to y'all and y'all still helped us.

Nicki: believe it or not I already forgave you two. I know what you did was wrong but then humans we all make mistakes. this experience has taught me a lot not to take family for granted and not to walk around with hatred towards people and want to come fix anything and it won't make me feel better. Even though I forgive you it's Meek you have to ask for forgiveness now. You hurt him to the core. I never seen Meek cry before
That had to break his heart.

Angela: can I go talk to him?

Nicki: yeah go ahead.

Angela POV

I began to walk up to Meek.

Angela: can I talk to you?
I asked.

Meek: yeah come on.



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