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Meek POV

Meek:"Am I crazy or did I just leave Nicki by herself with that crazy ass fool walking around? I thought to myself.nah that nigga ain't crazy I thought as I waved myself off ."

I continued on along the beach looking for a good spot to dive in t to catch these fish cause a nigga lil hungry .
. When I got done I caught four fish it took me at least two hours are just to catch these shits I'm tired as hell.


Safaree POV

Safaree : "I got something for that nigga. "I said to myself.

So far began to rub a stick with the rock to sharpen it as he was doing that Angela came up to him.

Angela: "What are you doing?" She asked.

Safaree:" I'm out here looking for revenge"(drake voice JP)

Angela: "on who Meek?" she asked .

Safaree:" yeah I'm going to kill that nigga." I said getting more agitated.

Angela:" OKaaay... why would you do that? because he beat your ass that's still no reason to kill him that was your best friend at one point."

Safaree:" it's not even about that it's about this loyalty thing I don't take it kindly and on moms I'm murdering that nigga."

Safaree continued to rock back and forth with the crazy thing is I that no one has seen before at least I think the time on that island has really made him crazy he really looked out of it.

Angela: "I'm going to get the hell away from you .you're really starting to scare me."

As Angela got up to walk away Safaree grab her arm.

Safaree: "where the hell you think you going you ain't going nowhere you're not going to tell her what I'm about to do now go sit your ass down before I crack your face." I said getting angrier.

Angela: "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Got up to walk away again but he slapped her down and she was knocked out cold.

Safaree: "Ill deal with you when I come back."

He begin to search for Meek and Nicki with the spear like stick grip tightly in his hand.

Nicki POV

I started a fire getting everything ready for meek so when the fish back
I could clean them sit them over the fire. As I have time to sit down and think I was kinda getting depressed I know we've been here For months now and I've still yet to get used to this I miss my family so much .
The hot tears began to roll down my cheeks but had be strong that's what Meek would want me to do.

Nicki: "what is taking Angela so long to get the berries. "I said to myself.

I've sent her almost 45 minutes ago to go get berries for us to eat with the fish. I started to walk down the beach to look for her. when I saw her lying lifeless on the beach I took off running towards her. I started shaking her to wake her up .

Nicki: "Angela wake up what happened to you? "I asked still shaking her.

Angela started to ster and woke up holding her head I looked at her seeing a huge bruise on her face.

Nicki: "where did you get that bruise from? "I asked looking at her still being out of it.

Angela: "Safaree slapped me because I was going to tell Meek that he was planning on killing him."

Nicki: "he was planning on what? " I asked in disbelief.

Angela: "he is planning on killing meek. I think this island is making him crazy."

Nicki:" let's go find Meek so I can tell him before Safaree does something stupid."

we made our back to the campsite
Where we saw Meek sitting down with the fish in his hand.

Meek POV

Meek: "where Y'all was I been waiting like 20 minutes ."

Nicki: "Meek I have something to tell you."

Meek: "what is it?" He asked looking confused.

Nicki: "Safaree is planning revenge on you. he talkin all crazy saying that he's going to kill you."

Meek: "I ain't worried about that nigga."

Nicki: "shit you need to that boy is crazy but I know you can hold your own."

Meek: "But if that nigga fuck wit y'all I'm goin show his ass crazy. " I said with a slight smirk.

Nicki: "He already slapped Angela knocking her out."she said not knowing how I would react.

Meek: "let me see. "I said as I went to inspect Angela's face seeing the bruise made my blood boil.

I storm off looking for Safaree bitch I'm tired of this nigga putting his hands on these women. He already threatened my life . On mamas man this nigga is going to die today.

Nicki: "Meek please don't do nothing stupid. come back please."

Meek: "no, I got to show this nigga I'm not nothing to play with."

Nicki: "please!! "she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Meek:" go back to the campsite with Angela Now." I said sternly.

Nicki:" No, not without you."

Meek: "what I just say? "

She turn around and stormed off to the campsite. I felt bad for talking to Nicki like that but I needed to just find this nigga on my own

Meek:" I hope this nigga ready for war cause I'm giving this nigga war pain."

There is going to be like 2 or 3 more chapters left in this book

excuse all the errors.

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