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Meek pov

Me and Nicki were looking for supplies to help us get off this island I was growing sick of this place . I have to get her away from this place it was starting to drive us both crazy.

Meek: "bae did you find anything?"I asked.

Nicki:"yea I found a knife and a digital compass looks like the batteries are dead tho."

Meek: "what kind of battery does it take?"

Nicki:" I don't know looks like the one that go in the back of a watch."

Meek: "check on my duffel bag and see if you can find my Rolex watch."

Nicki began to Rumble through the bag looking for the watch till she found it.

Nicki: "hear meek I found it."

Meek took it breaking the back casing of the watch taking out the battery and inserting it into the digital compass.

Nicki:"Now what do we do?" She asked.

Meek: "look for stuff to build a raft and something to use for a sail and paddles."


Meek:"We should use a part of the plane, the walls are less dense so it should float and we can use the tarp as the sail that should work."
I said thinking out loud.

Meek: "Nic,can you cut about 5 or 6 vines from a tree ?but make sure you get the thick ones alright."

Nicki:"ok,be careful with that big ass thing."

Meek: "ma I got this ,go-ahead Bae! "He said causing me to blush and roll my eyes.

Nicki: "ok ok ok when you get hurt dont say I aint warn you."
She said twisting while she walked.

Meek: "go head with all that ass trying to tease me and shit!"

Nicki Pov

The time spent on this island I can't help but feel a little sad two people actually lost their lives. what was set out to be a vacation turned out to be a nightmare the things I went through while on this island I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. somebody I thought I knew for twelve years was actually so much different it took this time on this island for me to find that out. On the other hand I actually found the love of my life here also. I climb the tree to cut the vines for the makeshift raft.as I climbed down I heard stick snap.

Nicki:" Meek is that you? "I asked.
"Hellooo Meek for real stop playing.you know i get scared easy. "

I heard footsteps get closer so I'll begin the Run can try and not looking back got back to the plane I saw meek laying unconscious with blood on his forehead.

Nicki: "baby wake up! I began to shake him."

???:" he ain't waking up no time soon."

Nicki:"who the fuc.....SAFAREE!!!! I thought I killed you motherfucka what the hell did you do to Meek ?!!"

Safaree : "who the fuck you think you talkin to,I should kill yo ass right now."

Nicki :" if Meek taught me anything is to be fearless and im not scared of you."

Safaree :"you must like testing me right?!"

Nicki : "come on try it! I said picking up a nearby stick."

Safaree :"if you know what I know you would put that fuckin stick down and bring yo stupid ass here."

Nicki: "nigga you must be crazy!"

Safaree :"I'll show yo ass crazy!"he said before charging me.

I took that stick and Hit him in his leg as hard as I could .

Safaree:"aaaaaaah fuuck you stupid bitch !!!!!!!!!!!"

Nicki:"I'll show you stupid."

I wacked his ass as hard as I could in his knee hearing it snap.I never heard a grown man scream the way I heard Safaree scream.

Meek Pov

I woke up with an enormous headache and blood on my shirt. I saw Nicki with a stick in her hand and Safaree laying on the ground holding his knees. I'm guessing she wack the shit out of him. I faintly called out for her.

Meek : "Nic baby come here."

Nicki quickly look at me.she dropped the stick and ran to me.

Nicki : "baby are you okay?" she asked.

Meek :"yea baby I'm cool just a little headache."

Nicki :"let me get something for you head."

She ran to our luggage and grab a tshirt ripping it in half. she took one half and dipped it in Salt water . she ran back to and put the saltwater drenched shirt on my forehead cleaning my wound.

Nicki : "this is going to sting a little. "she tapped it on my forehead.

Meek :"ahhhh fuck that shit burns!!!"I yelled.

Nicki : "oh stop being a cry baby it don't burn that bad." she said wrapping the other piece of the shirt around my head. "come on let's finish the raft so we can get the hell away from here."

Meek :"okay let's go."

2 hours later

Meek :" baby you ready to get the hell away from here ?"

Nicki :"yes baby this was a nightmare I never want to live thru again. "

Nicki got on the raft as I went to get the mangoes, fresh water,and our clothes. I turned on the digital compass and it pointed north we started rowing in that direction. we saw a large crab boat with a man and his two I presume to be his daughters. he saw us and stop the boat. he told us to come a board.

????:"are you guys ok? what happened to you? "

Nicki:"I don't know we are just LOST".........THE END

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