Trouble with the Boys

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 Louis’s POV
          No one has come in a while. I wonder what’s going on. I want to talk to someone. Perrie walks in and she sits next to me.
            “I hope that Elea still likes you.”
            “I called her, everything’s fine. Speaking of fine how’s the boyfriend?”
            “Zayn hasn’t woken from his surgery yet. They are quite concerned.”
            “Why hasn’t anyone come?”
            “I haven’t seen any of them. The last time I saw Harry, he was crying. He was going to find Niall. He looked very sick.”
            “I want to talk to him.”
            “I’ll try to find him.”
            She took off and I thought it was going to be longest couple minutes of my life. But, no it went by quickly. She came back a shaken Harry holding on to her. He was trembling and he was looking at the floor.
            “What’s wrong?”
            He didn’t speak. Perrie sat him down next to me and I looked at him. He finally looked up at me and his eyes were swollen and red and puffy. I hated seeming him like this. I pushed his curls out of his hair. He was cold to the touch.
            “Lou,” he choked out.
            “Can you tell me what happened?” I ask.
            Perrie turns and leaves. She closed the door and pulls out her phone. I look back to Harry who was trying to stop crying. I put my hand on his shoulders. He is shaking uncontrollably.
            “I-I-I like Niall,” he says finally and that answer I never expected in a million years.
            “He likes me, too.”
            “Then why are you crying?”
            “I stopped him.”
            “Haz, please stop crying. You are just overwhelmed. You need to get better. Come on, come sleep,” I say patting the bed next to me.
            He flops next to me and I put my arm over his shoulders. He snuggles his head on my side and he was still shaking. I told him to calm down. I grabbed the extra blanket that was on the side of my bed and put it over his frail body. I turn to see Ni standing outside the door and then him running away. I jerk and I feel Harry move.
            “Sleep, Haz,” I say.
            I feel him relax and falls asleep quickly. I hope that he is okay. I can’t believe that Ni saw. I text Liam and tell him to talk to Ni. He agreed. I feel Harry move then relax. I sigh. I can’t deal with him walking up now.
            Niall’s POV
          Harry does like Louis. I can’t believe I thought he actually liked me. That is why he pulled away from the kiss and was okay with me liking him.
            “Ni, listen to me,” Liam says storming up to me.
            “Okay,” I answer not wanting to put up a fight.
            “Harry thought you hated him for pulling away from the kiss so he was crying. Perrie went to see Lou and at the time Harry hated Lou, but in his fragile state he got in. I know Harry and he would never do that. He is just out of it. He thinks you hate him. Don’t let Louis’s actions jeopardize your new found relationship with Harry.”
            “So what you’re saying is that this is Louis’s fault?”
            “That wasn’t the point, but yes.”
            “Okay, I have to see if Harry is okay.”
            I take off running and stop when I get to Louis’s room. I open the door. Louis is sleeping his head on the back of the slightly elevated bed. Harry was almost in a ball next to his side. His eyes were closed, but you could tell they were puffy and red. I closed the door and Louis’s eyes flickered open. He saw me and froze.
            “It’s okay,” I whisper sitting next to the bed.
            “I’m sorry,” he says louder than he should have.
            Harry moved and opened his eyes. He pulled himself up and looked at me. Tears edged his eyes again and adjusted his position to face me.
            “Shh, don’t cry,” I say standing up.
            He looks up at me and I pulled him into hug. He was shaking and he was cold to the touch. I let go and tears were falling. He wiped them away. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I knew he didn’t want me to. He was still new to the idea and I can understand. I wanted to let him know that everything would work out, but that was a dream.
            “I don’t hate you for pulling out, you know?”
            “You don’t,” he squeaked.
            “Of course not,” I coo.
            “Wait,” Louis says eyeing us suspiciously.
            Harry and I looked at each other unsure of whether we should tell him. We both shook our heads and that he didn’t need to know yet. He would probably tell El who would tell everyone because that is what she does.
            “Harry pulled out of an interview that was important and I was mad because it was such a big deal for the band, but this is a hard time for us, so I just overreacted,” I lie.
            “Nice, Harry,” Louis says and folds his arms over his chest.
            We laugh. I knew that we made the right choice. We will tell him when we know what we’re doing. I look at Harry who is still shaking. I hope that he is okay. I hope everything will turn out.
            “Zayn’s dying,” we hear Perrie’s voice ring.

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