A Memory

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Harry's POV
  I arrive in London at the hotel where the boys are staying for the New Year. It is two days after New Year’s and I leave to go back to the Virgin Islands tomorrow. I need to see Zayn. Right now I know Niall already saw it. I adjust the orange ribbon on my blazer and remember something horrible. The reason I like orange and blazers.
            “Harry, come in,” Zayn says.
            “Okay,” I sneak in.
            “How are you?”
            “You’re not are you?”
            “I saw something that reminded me of something horrible. It is making me really emotional. I forgot that this is the reason we sang Torn at the judge’s houses and why I sang Isn’t She Lovely at my auditions. I miss her.”
            “Can you tell me?”
            “Yeah,” I say and start explaining.
            Flashback: Christmas 2009
            “Harry,” my girlfriend, Maria says.
            I walk over to the couch sitting next to her. We just started dating, but I already love her. It’s weird. I am not so good at relationships though. I may only be 15, but I have been in some weird relationships already.
            “I need to tell you something.”
            “What is it, Mai?”
            “Nice nickname, but I have some bad news. I found out that I have leukemia. It is so far along. They don’t know if I’m going to make it.”
            “How are you taking this so well?” I ask nearly crying.
            “I’m trying to stay strong for you.”
            “Just cry; let it go. I don’t want you to hold all the emotion back if you do pass away. I want to know everything because I really care about you. Actually, I love you.”
            “Harry,” she says crying.
            “I do. I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same way.”
            “I love you too.”
            I hug her. I don’t want her to be gone. I can’t imagine my life without her. She has been tutoring me and making sure I don’t hang out with the wrong crowd. I love her.
            “I need you to promise me that you’ll audition for X Factor. They are coming to Manchester. I want you to go because I know you’re great and that you’ll go far. I don’t want you moping. I want you to succeed. Can you do that for me?” she says crying.
            I nod. I give her a kiss. She hugs me and I let the tears go. I start to cry harder than I ever knew I could. She starts to cry too. I know it pains her to see me like this. I don’t want her gone. I want her, but I guess it wasn’t meant to be.
            2 months later; February 2010
            I walk to the hospital. Maria has been in the hospital since after Christmas. I visit her every day. I want her to know that I’ll be there until the end. They don’t think she’ll survive till my audition date in July. She has been very weak recently. I just want her to be okay.
            I walk into her room. She is waiting for me. She smiles at me. I lean in and give her a kiss. What did she do? It’s only February 1. What’s so special?
            “Happy Birthday!” she exclaims.
            “I actually forgot it was my birthday.”
            She smiles and hands me a wrapped present. I make a face at her and she laughs. I don’t want to let her go. I sit and open it. It’s a cool suit coat. It has a flower in the pocket and red lining. I love it. I try it on. It fits perfectly. I kiss her.
            “I’m glad you like it.”
            I lean in and give her a kiss. I let her rest. I go down to the cafeteria and do my homework and snack. I want her to be rested for the rest of evening.
            Two hours later
            I walk back from getting food and I see a crash cart heading to Maria’s room. I panic. I run to her room. I see her lying motionless on the bed. I start to cry. A nurse pulls me out of the room. I scream out, but the nurse pulls me out. He sits me down and I get a good look at him. He was huge about 7 feet tall and huge muscles.
            “I’m sorry.”
            I put my head in my hands. I start to cry even harder. I just want to say I love you one more time. I want to see her lovely smile one more time. I don’t want her to go.
            “Harry, you can say you’re goodbyes.”
            I walk in to see her clinging to life. I didn’t want to see her like this. I hug her fragile body and give her a kiss on her forehead. I wipe the tears from my face.
            “I’ll always love you. I know that cliché, but I don’t want to forget you. You are my rock and my inspiration. You are one that I can adore unlike my other ex.”
            “Can you promise me one more thing?” she says weakly.
            “Yeah,” I say holding back tears.
            “Sing Torn by Natalie, you know the one I’m talking about,” she says smiling.
            “I promise.”
            “I love you,” she says her eyes becoming heavy.
            “I love you too,” I say crying once again.
            I look up seeing her vitals crashing. She dies right in front of me holding my head. I love her and I will never ever forget her. She was the one that got away.
            “I’m sorry,” Zayn says pulling me out of the horrible memory.
            “’That’s why I dated all those random girls. I wanted to forget her, but then I realized that I can’t replace her with just any girl. That’s when I thought I was gay. I kind of lost of hope,” I say and when I finished I noticed the tears in Zayn’s eyes.
            I hug him. I hear him sob. I just told him to lose all hope. Way to go! I can’t believe I did that. I am so stupid. I pull out and look into his beautiful eyes.
            “Don’t give up like I did. I may have found Niall, but Perrie’s different. She wants you to move on. You know her. She doesn’t want you moping around.”
            “I know. It’s just…….sometimes I give up hope.”
            “You can’t do that. Perrie loved you with her heart. She may have hurt us, but she did it out of love not out of jealousy. You have to believe that she would want you to move on. Perrie was special, but she died for a reason.”
            “Thanks,” he says nearly crying.
            “Don’t cry, Zayn.”
            “I’m sorry.”
            “I want you to know that everything will be fine.”
            “Someday,” he says.
            “Are you going to be okay?”
            “Yeah and Niall still hasn’t seen the video.”
            “How did you pull that off?”
            “I got Niall in trouble so that Liam would take his phone. Niall has been really busy trying to improve his singing because he is still on that, but it works in this situation.”
            “If he sees it what are you going to do?”
            “I don’t know, Harry, but I will help you.”
            “How are you doing this?”
            “I’m going to help. It takes my mind off things. That’s what I need right now and Louis Marie doesn’t get back until next week.”
            “Where is she from?”
            “She’s from Canada.”
            “I can’t believe you’d do this for me. I have been very mean to you. I mean on X Factor I never talked to you. I didn’t like you. I had horrible opinions of you. Think, if we hadn’t have made to the semi’s I would still hate you.”
            “Let’s not think that way.”

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