Beat Me Down, But I Get Up

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Niall’s POV

          I sit next to Liam while watching a movie. I have Louis’s phone in my pocket. I took it when he was distracted. I am good at that and that is scary. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I click on twitter. A story pops up immediately. Harry kisses Taylor at midnight. It read. I feel my heart sink. I click on the video. I feel tears fall down my cheeks. I’ve let myself believe him. He does love her. He kissed her in front of everyone. Wait! He did this to protect you. Ugh, who am I kidding! He loves her. Who would love me?

            “Ni, are you okay?” Louis says.

            “Can you come in?” I ask holding back tears.

            The door opens and Louis pokes his head in. He walks in and locks the door behind him. He knew I was upset and he knew that Liam would comfort me to tears.

            “What happened?” he asks.

            “Did you know about this?” I ask putting the phone up to his face.

            “Ni,” he says sweetly.

            “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did this happen? He hates me. Why did I let myself get attached to him? He was just playing with my emotions. Don’t lie to me anymore,” I yell crying.

            “Ni, he does love you. You know that he was just trying to protect you. You guys are just figuring out what to do. Harry doesn’t want to rush into this. He doesn’t want to hurt you.”

            I am still crying. He hugs me. He’s right, but yet I still have doubt. I know that Harry loves me. He is such a good person, but why do I always say he’s going to stab me in the back. He wouldn’t do that. I just need a minute.

            “I need to go talk to Harry,” I say leaving the bathroom.

            I walk out and call Harry. I hope he picks up. I know he’s still in New York, but it’s worth the time. I hope he cares enough. Stop it, Niall!!!! He cares about you.

            “Hello?” I hear Harry’s voice say.

            “Hey,” I say.

            I don’t hear an answer, but I hear a door behind me open and close. I turn around to see Harry behind me. I hang up the phone and I don’t believe he’s here.

            “I was stupid to do that. I love you. I pretty sure you’ve seen the video. I don’t want you to leave me. I don’t want you to be h-“I cut him off by running and hugging him.

            “I missed you,” I say.

            “I missed you, too,” he says.

            “I know you were just protecting me. For a while I doubted it, but I know you really care,” I say almost crying my eyes out.

            “I don’t want you to have doubts,” he says.

            I peck his lips. I hug him tightly as if he wasn’t real. I hear the door open again and I see Zayn walking out. He starts to clap as if we just won something. Wait!!!! What happened?

            “Thank you, Niall. Harry came over here to make sure you didn’t hate his guts or start cutting again. You did it. You trust him. Now you can go with the flow,” Zayn says messing up my hair.

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