Cracking Part 1

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Harry's POV

        "One Direction is cracking under  the pressue. Liam Payne beats up Harry Styles. Wait, hold on. Is this the same Liam who is called Daddy Direction? Harry was in critical condition. He has a pacemaker in his heart because of a problem in the hospital. This all ties back to Liam. In other news, Niall stops cutting. He told the Sun, 'It's over. I can't put myself through it anymore.' Many people wonder how long that will last. Niall has a lot to deal with right now. Is that razorg to make another apperance? Zayn and Louis coming up after the break."

        The news cuts out and a commerical comes on. I turn to Niall who looks at the floor. Is it? Is the news right? I don't know why I am thinking this. How is Zayn? Are we even a band? Did Louis call it quits? 

        "Harry?" Niall finally says his voice breaking.

        "You cut didn't you?"

        "No. I didn't.'

        "Don't lie to me."

        "I'm not lying," he says crying.

        "Okay, Niall. I am done pretending. Tell me the truth right now. You wouldn't be crying if you weren't. Ni, I want to be with you. I am calling management. I can't live this lie anymore."

        "Are you ready?"

        "Yes, now give me my phone," I yell.

        "I cut when you tried to commit suicide. I promise that that is the last time I have. If you don't believe me then look," Niall says pulling up his sleeves to reveal healed cuts; no new.

        "I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry for not beleive you. I am a jerk."

        "It's okay. You love me I know that," Niall says handing me my phone,"Call, I'm ready too."

         "Okay," I say grabbing the phone.

        "Hello?" Luis, the 23 year old intern, asks.

        "Hey, Luis," I say dryly.

        "What is it Harry?"

        "My life has been complicated, but one person has helped me through everything. Niall. I was wondering if I could admit my love for him. We have been secretly together for months and we are sick of it. We're ready."

        "Are you gay, bi, pan, or what?"

        "I haven't really thought of it. I just love who I love."

        "Okay, you are defiantly pan. What about Niall?"

        "Ni, you know what they are asking.'

        "I'm gay," he says plainly.

        "Gay," I say back into the phone.

        "Okay. I don't know Harry."

        "Why not Luis?"

        "You are so mentally unstable. You have tried to commit suicide twice and you are anorexic. You need to take an easy. I'm not sure you can handle the hate right now. When you guys come out, you are going to have a lot of unhappy fans. We can't have you gone right now. I'm sorry Harry. Not right now," Luis says and I could tell he was upset.

        "It's okay," I say trying to keep my voice steady.

        "Harry, I really wish I could say yes. You know why we can't do this. I would love for you guys to be free and all that, but we need you healthy first. Got it?"

        "Yeah," I say.

        "I'll be in Doncaster by tomorrow. See you then bye."

        "Bye," I say then hang up.

        "What did he say?"

        "We can't do it until I'm healthy. He is concerned about my mental state. I'm suicidal and I am anorexic."

        "You are?"

        "Yeah, I am recovering. Don't worry. I just need time."

        "Are you breaking up with me?"

        "I don't know, Ni."

        "Would that help if I wasn't here?"

        "I don't know. I don't how I feel. Okay? I am so confused. I can't do this, Ni. I was the one that broke the glass in the bathroom. I was going to commit suicide. I have had enough."

        "So, I guess we're done. I guess Luis was right. We shouldn't do it now or ever," Niall says storming out.

        I start to cry. That isn't what I meant. I don't know how to deal with this. I just need to die. I look over at the table. I don't see anything. I get up turning off the TV. I walk into the bathroom. The broken glass still scattered on the floor. I slam the door. I don't hear anything. I grab the mirror and open it to the medicene cabinet. I look at see some pills. I don't know what they are, but I grab them. I read the presciption on the side. There were Louis's for MRSA. What? Are these the same pills I caught him with when we shared a flat? I open the door and walk out. I go to Louis's room. 

        "Lou?" I ask standing in the doorframe.

        "Yeah?" he asks.

        "Why do you have these?" I ask walking in with the pills.

        "Where did you get those?" Louis says his voice shaking.

        "It doesn't matter."

        "Harry, why were you in the medicenes?"

        "Niall and I are apparently no longer together. I just wanted a way out."

        "No, don't do it."

        "I know I shouldn't and that you guys are still my friends, but what am I going to do?"

        "I wish I could help you."

        "It's okay. Now, what are these for?" 

        "I had a really bad infection one time and that is what I had to take. I just took them back here. I picked them up when I went back to the flat. It was that one time I was really sick and was in the hospital for a couple weeks."

        "Oh, yeah. I didn't know that you were on meds."

        "Yeah, they were lovely."

        "Lou, I hate living."

        "I know Harry, but you can't leave us. I'm sorry I have been such a jerk to you. I don't know why. I guess this whole Larry things has like changed the way I think about you. It shouldn't. I'm sorry."

        "It's okay. I need you right now."

        "Why are you so thin now?"

        "I have been battling with an eating disorder."

        "Harry, can I make you something?"

        "Anything," I say plainly.

        "Okay, I'll try."

        "Oh, no."


        I laugh. This ought to be interesting. I love it though. He cares. I need time. I don't know why Ni can't accept that. I didn't want a break up. I don't know what I want. I am so torn. 

        A/N                 Okay, 3 part chapter. Hope you all enjoy. This is only the beginning. More drama. Cutting, Death, Drugs, Alcohol, Rape. All coming up. Peace out!!!!!

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