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Harry's POV

        "Ni just asked me if we were still One Direction and I think I know the answer," Louis says.

        "What?" I ask.

        "You obviously don't want to be with me anymore."

        "No, I don't want to break up One Direction. I am saying I need a break. I just....I need to breathe. I love you, I do, but you hurt me. I need time to heal and learn how to trust you."

        "Wouldn't that be easier for me to be here?'

        "I need to remember the old you before everything went wrong."

        "You know what I already quit. Why would I be here? You don't know how hard things have been for me. I think you do make it up. A lot. I think you need to stop this little pity parade. I am done with you. I am done with all of this. One Direction is over."

      "What did you say to Niall?"

        "I said I don't know. You just verified my answer."

        "No, stay. Try. I don't care. Don't leave," I beg tears stinging my eyes.

        "No, I'm done," he says walking to the door.

        "No, Lou. Please don't go. Stay," I say sobbing and he stops.

        "Harry," he says turing back to me.

        "You can't. No. Don't walk out."

        "Don't cry Harry."

        "You almost walked out on me. How can I not cry? I am sorry I upset you. I am not making it up. I'm sorry you think that. I know I could be more understanding, but you have to understand I didn't know until like two days ago. I didn't know what was going on and that is what hurt me. I felt like you didn't trust me. You don't do you?"

        "Harry, I trust you. I just....I didn't want you to know. It's really complicated. I don't know how to explain it. I am really sorry. I never meant for this to happen. Everything has gone to far."

        "I know. Stay."

        "I will," he says hugging me.

How Can This Be? *Finished Narry Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now