Chapter 1

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As I layed on the couch at The Curtis House I had one thing on my mind Ponyboy Curtis.I have known Ponyboy a long time  and we have been best friends since,but I have a HUGE crush on him.I doubt he likes me as more than a friend though.I was startled by the sound of the door slam shut and it was my best friend Maddie.She is the only one that knows I like Ponyboy.When she walked in she asked me if there was any chocolate cake and I told her "ya,unless Steve ate it all"we both laughed.

Maddies POV

I walked into the kitchen to get some cake and I saw Steve passed out on the floor with cake all over his face and 6 empty beers on the floor. I went back into the living room to get Chloe so I could show her the sleeping Steve on the floor and I said "Chloe come here I need to show you something"she said "UGGGG fine"we both walked to the kitchen and we saw Steve passed out on the floor and Chloe and I started laughing like crazy.

Chloe's POV

Maddie said that she had to show me something in the kitchen so I went with her to the kitchen to find a sleeping Steve with cake all over his face and 6 empty beers bottles on the floor next to him and Maddie and I started to laugh like crazy. I told Maddie "I will be right back". I went upstairs to wake up Ponyboy and Sodapop and show them Steve and I walked into Ponyboy and Sodapops room and jumped on the bed right between them and Sodapop said in a sleepy voice "What the hell are you doing Chloe". I said "I need to show you and Ponyboy something in the kitchen it is important".Then I herd Ponyboy say "Ugggg fine". After I finally got them up we went downstairs and Steve was still on the floor in the kitchen and we all started laughing.We decided not to wake up Darry because he deserves to sleep with everything he does for us . We all sat in the living room Ponyboy was on the couch so I sat next to him and Maddie winked at me and sat in the chair and Soda sat on the floor, and we watched Mickey.Darry finally woke up and asked us why we haven't made breakfast and then we all pointed to the kitchen and he saw Steve still on the floor and he said "oh ok" . Dally (my brother) finally came over and not long after that so did Two-Bit and Johnny so now the whole gang was here and everyone saw Steve on the floor. Steve finally woke up with a hangover. Dally told me it was time to go home after a couple hours watching Mickey on TV . I said "do I have to why cant I stay here" and I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he said "fine but only if Darry is Okay with it" I gave Darry the puppy dog eyes and he said "shure anytime".

Ponyboys POV

I really like Chloe but she probably dosn't like me she probably just wants to be friends.Darry knows I like her and when he said she was staying the night I got really excited.I asked Maddie if I could talk to her really quick outside so we went onto the porch and I asked her if Chloe likes me and she said "yes she really really really likes you" I started to blush and I think she could see and said "do you like her?" I blushed even more and said "yes I like her a lot" Maddie said I should ask her out and I told her that I am going to. "We better go Two-Bit will think we eloped to Mexico" I said. We both started laughing and went back inside.I sat back on the couch next to Chloe and I could see her blush.Dally left before I could ask him if I could ask out Chloe so now I can't ask her out tonight.

Chloe's POV

I was wondering why Ponyboy and Maddie went outside and where talking and what they where talking about to I told Maddie to come here and she followed me upstairs and I asked her and she said that Ponyboy likes me and I just stood there in shock and she was waving her hand infront of my face saying earth to Chloe over and over agin finally I snapped out of my daze and she said he is going to ask me out.We went back downstairs and Maddie and Johnny went home.I was tired so I told everyone I was gonna sleep on the couch and Soda said I could take his place in his and Ponyboys bed and I blushed and said "okay" and I walked upstairs with Ponyboy behind me and we both layed down in bed and went to sleep.

I know it's kinda short




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