Chapter 5

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"WAKE UP DALLY!!" I yelled " It is too fucking early go back to sleep" dally said " it is 12:00pm wake your lazy ass up" I said " I don't want to" he said. " fine I will just go to the Curtis house without you" I said " okay goodbye" he said. I walked out the door and to the Curtis house. When I was on my way there I saw Maddie so we walked together and she told me she is going to break up with Dally because she likes someone else. " WHO" I asked "Steve" she said "OMG ARE YOU GOING TO DATE THE WHOLE FUCKING GANG OR SOMETHING" I said " I have only dated 2 of 7 of the guys in the gang ...... And now maybe 3" she said. I stopped and said " wait who else have you dated". " Ponyboy"
She said. " and how did i not know this" I asked
" well I didn't want to make a big deal about it cause it wasn't really anything, but it is how I met the gang and how I was apart of the gang" she said " well okay then" I said and started walking agin. We got to the Curtis house and I told Ponyboy I need to talk to him so we went to his and sodas room. He sat on the bed and I sat next to him. " so what did you want to talk to me about" he asked " why didn't you tell me that you and Maddie dated" I asked " well I thought since you are her best friend that you already knew,and anyways it wasn't a big deal I don't like her like that anymore" he said " "OH MY GOD I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING" I said " what" he asked " since you and Maddie dated that means that y'all had a shipname so what was it" I asked "monyboy" he said " OH MY FUCKING GOD" I said and started laughing like crazy I finally calmed down and said "I love you Ponyboy" " I love you too Chloe" he said and then he kissed he then it was a full out make out then we heard yelling then the door slam shut so we decided to go see what it was and wen we went downstairs we saw Maddie sitting on the floor crying. I ran to her and she said that she broke up with dally and then he yelled and ran out.

Maddies POV

I think it is time to break up with dally so i started to get up and walk out the door to go to bucks where dally was when dally came in. " dally we need to talk" I said " okay " he said and we sat on the couch " I think we should break up " I said "WHAT WHY!?!?" " he asked " because I like someone else " I said " YOU KNOW WHAT FINE GO BE WITH WHOEVER IT IS I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!" He yelled and then went out the door slamming it shut then I sat on the floor and started crying and Chloe and Ponyboy came downstairs. Chloe saw me on the floor and ran to me. I told her what happened and she said " well that is my brother for you". " yea but still" I said " now you can be with Steve " she said " woh woh wait a minute you broke up with dally for Steve. Are you gonna date the whole gang or something" Ponyboy said " ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT I LIKE HIM I DIDNT CHOOSE TO LIKE HIM I JUST DO!!" I yelled " okay sorry" Ponyboy said " no it's okay it's not your fault"I said. Steve and soda came back from work and I thought to myself now is my chance. " Steve can you come here a minute" I asked "shure Maddie" he said. We walked outside and I said " Steve I like you and I wanted to know if you wanted to go see a movie with me tonight" I asked " arnt you dating dally" he asked " no, we broke up" I said " oh well then shure" he said. I smiled and blushed and we walked back inside and sat on the couch and watched Mickey then Darry came home and the rest of the gang came over and we watched Mickey.

Ponyboys POV

We where all watching Mickey and eating cake then Chloe said she was going to stay here tonight because dally is probably off drunk somewhere. I got excited but I got even more excited when soda said that she could sleep in the bed with me. I really love Chloe and I don't want to make her do something that she dosnt want to do, we are only 14 and I don't want dally to kill me. " I'm going to go to bed" Chloe said. I started walking with her to my room and when we got there I closed the door ands he turned around and kissed me soon it was a heated makeout and I layed her on the bed not breaking the kiss.
I pulled away and said" i don't want you to something you will regret". " who said we are gonna do something, besides I want to be 15 before I do anything" she said "okay" I said and we started kissing agin. After a wile of kissing we fell asleep.


It's kinda short but this chapter was fun to write btw you are welcome Maddie

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