Chapter 3

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The picture is the outfit Maddie picked out for Chloe.


I woke up to Maddie poking at my face trying to get me to wake up."What the hell is wrong with you" I said. "Good your awake" she said. I got up and told her what Dally said and she squealed. "What are we doing today" she asked "I don't know probably go to the Curtis house and hang out or something" I said I told Maddie to pick me out something to wear wile I go take a shower. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and after my showers I wrapped up in a towel and went back to my room to see what Maddie picked out for me.I walked in my room and Maddie was standing in front of the bed to hide what she picked out."Are you ready to see what I picked out" Maddie said. " I guess so" I said. I was surprised with what she picked out because I actually liked it and wanted to wear it. I put on the outfit and did my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. Dally was still asleep so I left a note...


Maddie and I are going to the Curtis house. Come over when you wake up.


We started to head to the Curtis house when I noticed a blue mustang was following us luckily we got to the Curtis house before they could do anything. We walked in and Ponyboy was reading a book and Soda was making breakfast " oh god Sodas making breakfast that means green pancakes" I said. Maddie and Ponyboy laughed and Soda glared at me. I sat down next to Ponyboy on the couch and he leaned over and kissed me and I happily kissed back after about 5 minutes of making out with Ponyboy, Two-Bit walked in and sat down and started watching Mickey. Ponyboy pulled me onto his lap and asked me what we are gonna do today and I told him "I don't know". I looked over at Maddie and she winked at me and I started to giggle. Ponyboy asked me what I was giggling about and I told him "nothing" but he didn't believe me and kept trying to get me to tell him but I wouldn't. You could see the frustration in his eyes it was kinda cute. I kissed him softly and said " do you really want to know?" He said "ya" I said " you have to catch me first" and I ran upstairs and into his and Sodas room and under the bed he was close behind me but didn't see me get under the bed. I pulled myself up so if he looked under here he wouldn't see me. He looked under the bed and didn't see me then looked all around the room and still couldn't find me.

Ponyboys POV

I saw her go into mine and Sodas room but I can't find her so I guess I will have to trick her out of hiding so I said "well I guess I will just go back downstairs since I can't find her" I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch.

Chloe's POV

That is exactly what I wanted him to do. Try and trick me into coming out. I snuck out from under the bed and carfully walked downstairs and came behind the couch without Ponyboy noticing because he was reading. I leaned over the couch and kissed him softly and pulled away and slid under the couch so he wouldn't see me. He got up and looked around and didn't see me then went into the kitchen. Dally walked in and sat on the couch so I reached my hand out and grabbed his foot and he screamed and I giggled and then Ponyboy came back in and said "What's going on" and Dally said
" That couch just grabbed my foot and then giggled" Maddie sat there and giggled because she knew it was me,she saw me slide under the couch. "that wasn't the couch" Ponyboy said and told dally to get up. I knew he was going to lift the couch li I slid out from under in and wile they lifted it to see I wasn't there they looked at each other in confusion then I ran upstairs to Ponyboy and sodas room and climes out the window. I walked threw the front door and said " what's going on guys" like everything is normal. Since Darry and soda left for work it was only Ponyboy, Dally,Maddie, and I . Ponyboy and dally looked at each other In shock and then Ponyboy came up to me and picked me up over his shoulder and walked out the door. We're are we going?" I asked "Somewhere" he said "can you put me down?" I asked " Nope" he said. After about 10 minutes of walking we where at the dingo and he put me down and I asked " why are we here?"
" We are going on our first date" he answered. I smiled and kissed him softly. We sat down and ordered 2 cheeseburgers and 2 cokes. After we ate we went to the park and we swang on the swings then the sun was setting so we went to the top of a hill and watched it together. It was dark so we started to head back to the Curtis house with our hands intertwined. Then she. We where almost to the Curtis house a gold mustang pulled up next to us and the 4 socs got out. 2 tackled Ponyboy down and 2 tackled me down the first thing I thought to do was fight back so I did. I kicked one in the nuts and then I broke the other ones nose then I went to help Pony but he already knocked them out. We walked back in the Curtis house and saw Dally and Maddie making out on the couch. When the door slammed they pulled apart and I saw Maddie blush a little.

Maddies POV

Wile Ponyboy and Chloe where gone Dally and I where talking and then ended up making out the he asked me to go to the dingo with him on Friday and I said yes. Then we started making out agin. Chloe and Ponyboy walked in and the door slammed and we pulled away. I was blushing a little bit. Chloe and told us what happend with the socs and I said " Damn I guess you are a bad ass after all Chloe" she blushed a little bit and smiled and dally said " if they ever try to hurt you agin I'll skin em ". It was late so Chloe, dally and I stayed the night Chloe and Pony in Ponyboy and sodas room and Dally, Soda and I in the living room.

Chloe's POV

I woke up and Pony had his arm around my waist . I layed there and smiled for a little bit then decided to wake him up. I turned over and kissed his lips softly he didn't kiss back so I kissed agin he didn't kiss back agin so I tried one more time and he didn't kiss back. " I guess you don't like me anymore" I said and started to get up he tightened his grip around my waist and said " your right I don't like you... I love you."
"Aww I love you too" I said. He pulled me closer and i turned back over to face him and he kissed me pataonetly then it was a heated make out until Maddie came running in the room and jumped on me. " thanks for ruining the moment Maddie" I said
" do you want to go get your belly button pierced with me or do I have to go by myself" she said.
" hell ya" I said
I have been wanting to go get my belly button pierced for a wile but I didn't want to go by myself and Now that Maddie wants to go it is time to do it so I got up and since I don't have any clothes her I just put on what I had yesterday. Once I was ready and Maddie was ready I kissed Ponyboy bye and Maddie kissed dally bye and dally asked us if we had our blades and we both pulled them out at the same time to show him. Maddie and I ran out the door and to to the tattoo/piercing place. When we walked in we told the guy that we both wanted to get out belly button pierced and of corse Maddie told me to go first. Maddie may be a bad ass but when it comes to needles and stuff she gets scared,so do I but I can hide it better.we picked out black belly button rings that have a diamond and a gun dangling and one says "partners"and the other one says "in crime." It was time to do mine so the guy stuck the needle threw my belly button and stuck the ring in. After me it was Maddies turn, she looked scared, the guy did hers and then we payed and left and went back to the Curtis house to show the guys . I showed Ponyboy first and he kissed me and said he loved it and he said " I love you" I said " I love you too".
The rest of the day we just sat on the couch and watched Mickey then we slept over agin I fell asleep in Ponyboys arms.

This chapter is longer that the others but I said that I will post it today so here it is and the picture of the belly button rings will be on the next chapter cause it will only let me put one on this chapter.




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