Chapter 15

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Maddies POV

I haven't been feeling good the last couple of days. I have been throwing up a lot. It's probably just a stomach bug but darry is taking me to the doctor today.

"Come on let's go Maddie" Darry said

I came downstairs and got into his truck and we headed for the doctor. We got there and we signed my name and they soon called me to the back. I told Darry to wait in the waiting room and he did. I followed the nurse to a room in the back and I say on the bed thing.

"What seems to be the problem" she asked

"I have been feeling sick and I have been throwing up the last couple of days"I answered

"Okay have you done 'it' in the past couple weeks" she asked

"Um... I think so" I said

"Okay we will do a sonogram and check if you are pregnant" she said

"Okay"I said

"Come with me" she said with a smile on her face

I followed her to a room with a bunch of equipment and a table.

"Lay down on the table and pull your shirt up above your stomach and I will put the gel on your stomach" she said

I did as she said and holy shit that gel is cold. She looked at a screen that showed a picture on it

"Right there" she said

She printed out a picture and gave it to me and showed me the little peanut sized baby. I went to the front hiding the picture under my shirt. Darry paid and I told him that I had a stomach bug.  We got to the Curtis house and I went to tell Chloe about the baby and that I was running away and I need her help. I walked into the kitchen and Chloe and Ponyboy where in there making lunch. 

"Hey Chloe can I talk to you for a minute upstairs " I asked

"Yea shure" she said

We walked upstairs and into her and Ponyboys room. I took the picture out from under my shirt and showed her.

                    Chloe's POV

Maddie took a picture out from under her shirt and showed me a peanut sized baby and said its dally's.

"I'm running away and I need your help" she said

" okay take the train to Windrexville  and there is an old abandoned church on top of jay mountain. I will come check on you soon." I Said

"Okay" she said

We went downstairs and Maddie said she was going to park but I know that isn't where she was going.

I finished helping pony make lunch and Ponyboy, Darry, and I ate.

                    Maddies POV

I was walking to the train when I bumped into my brother Johnny.

"Hey Maddie" he said

"Hey johnnycake" I said

" where you headed" he asked

"To the park" I said

"Me too I'll walk with you" he said

Well great now I'm gonna miss the train. I can't miss the train I have to go I guess I will just tell him.

" Johnny I'm not really going to the park"I said

"Then where are you going" he asked

"I'm running away to Windrexville for a little bit"I said

" WHAT?!?! WHY!?!?" He asked

" becauseimpregnant" I mumbled fast

" speak a little louder and slower Maddie" he said

"B E C A U S E I M P R E G N A N T" I said

"I'm gonna kill soda!!" He yelled

"It's not sodas" I said quiet

" then who's is it!!!" He yelled

"Dally" I said quiet hoping he didn't hear me. But just my luck he did

" HE'S GONNA DIE" he said

" Johnny stop don't hurt him it's not his fault we where drunk and I was sad when two bit died" I said trying to hold back my tears but failing

" okay fine but I'm going to Windrexville with you" he said

"Fine" I said and we headed to the train and jumped on. A few hours later we where in Windrexville and we found the church. I fell asleep soon and when I woke up I didn't see Johnny but in the dirt it said

Went to get supplies be back soon


I got up and soon later Johnny came back with bologna and bread and cards and cigarettes. We played cards and ate bologna sandwiches.

Hey everyone! So I haven't wrote in a wile but I have been stressed out with school and exams start tomorrow and Christmas is coming up which means a few weeks off school YAY!! Anyway....




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