The Reason Why (Real this time)

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Madylin woke up earlier than she normally does. She yawned and tried to sit up, but something heavy kept her in place.

It was Zeke's arm. She sighed. She might as well try and get used to this feeling. But eventually, she couldn't stand the morning breath that she had. She tried to get wiggle free, but Zeke just tightened his grip on her.

"Z-Zeke," She stuttered.

"Mine," He mumbled, gripping her tighter.

"Beck, Zeke, whichever one of you is in control, I need to use the bathroom!" She said.

Zeke finally let go of her and she made her way to the large bathroom. Once she was done with her business, she stepped out of the bathroom and saw Zeke sitting up on the bed. When he spotted her, he smiled and made his way to her.

"Hey, Madylin!" He said. "Where did you go? I woke up and saw that you weren't there," He said as he wrapped his arms around her. Why was he so confused?

"I just went to the bathroom," She told him. "It wasn't a big deal."

He pulled away from her. "Hey, I want to show you something," He said. She nodded. He smiled brightly. "Come on!" He said. He quickly slid on a shirt.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

Zeke smiled at her. "It's a surprise," He said. She just nodded again.

Once she changed, they headed out of their room.

Zeke seemed really eager to show her this "surprise." Madylin let her curiosity get the better of her as she allowed Zeke to practically drag her all throughout the house.

But finally they stopped in front of a door. "Close your eyes," Zeke whispered. She followed his instruction. She heard the door creak open. "And open," He said.

Madylin opened her eyes and she saw a room filled with books. It was practically a miniature library. She gasped. It was beautiful. Bookshelves lined the walls there were couches and chairs everywhere for people to sit and read.

"Do you like it?" Zeke asked. All she could do was nod. Zeke wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to his chest. "You know, you're the reason for this," He said.

"I am?" She looked up at him. He looked kind of funny being he looked upside down to her.

"You are," He confirmed. "You're the reason why this pack does anything really," This confused her. "Like I said, they are monsters in the literal and figurative sense of the word, but they are trying to get better, I mean look at Erik. He would have killed you yesterday if he hadn't figured out that you were Lily. Well, that and he found his mate," He explained.

"But what does me being Lily have anything to do about that?" She asked.

Zeke sighed. "Everything. Right now you are the only Luna we have since your mother passed away. And you were always so different from everyone else. You never got into fights, you never hurt anyone, you always wanted to help even the smallest of creatures," Zeke said.

She didn't even remember when she was Lily. "Really?" She asked. Zeke nodded, a small smile playing at his lips. Her face filled with confusion. "I don't remember being Lily, you know," She admitted.

He smiled at her. "It will come back to you once your marked," He said. 

"Marked?" He laughed.

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'll tell you about that later," He said. She nodded.

Zeke's POV:

I stared down at her. She really was beautiful. A little innocent and naive, but I didn't care. She was still mine. But there is a huge secret that this pack, hell, the village kept from her. It's not really the 26th century. It's still the 21st. It's only the year 2015. I don't know where they came up with such a ridiculous as the year 2534. Honestly, it was ridiculous.

I made Alpha Harris promise that once I mark her that we will tell her the truth. All of it. And not just it being the year 2534, but the other thing too. She may freak out. Okay, I know that she will freak out, but that is normal.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the doorway. I frown when I see that there's other's in here.  I pull her to the mostly empty part of the room. "Here!" I said as I pulled her around a corner. But I instantly regretted it.

There they were, Erik and Emma, making out.

I instantly pulled Madylin out of the room. She didn't need to see that. "Hey you hungry?" I asked. She looked up at me. A few strands of hair fell into eyes and I quickly brushed them behind her ear.

She blushed. Man, she's adorable. She nodded and I led her into the large kitchen. Dylan was in there. He nodded to me. "Morning Luna!" He said to Madylin. 

"Um, hi, you don't need to call me Luna, Madylin is okay," She told him. He nodded. I looked behind me and saw that Chris had walked in here too. He gave me a small nod.

"Morning, Luna," She sighed. Clearly she was getting tired of people calling her Luna.

"Morning Chris. But please, call me Madylin," She said.

He nodded before going to one of the three fridges. Since we had a lot of people living here, we needed a place to put all of that food to feed them. 

I heard a small yawn and saw a small boy still in his pj's, carrying a teddy bear and rubbing one of his eyes. "Morning," He mumbled. Everyone smiled at him.

He crawled up onto one of the chairs and sat down his bear. "Morning Luna," I looked at my mate and she just had a small smile on her face. 

"Morning, and who might you be cutie?" She asked. 

The small boy smiled. "Ethan," Ethan? Eriks younger brother?

Madylin walked over to the small boy. "Well, Ethan, did you know that you're adorable?" Ethan giggled and nodded.

Wow, she is going to be a great mother. And with that, Beck, who had been rather quiet, put some rather inappropriate images into my head. 'Stop,' I told him.

'Hey, there is only one way for her to be the mother to our pups,' He said. 

FINALLY COMPLETE! Well, just this chapter. Now, please do one or more of the following: vote, comment, share, follow, love. 

Love, Cameron Avery

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