0.2 - Confused Feelings

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0.2 - Confused Feelings

After Lilac left the couple, Elena and Stefan headed back inside. Elena was definitely surprised by this girls sudden appearance, but was confused on why she blushed. Yes she'd been told she was beautiful and gotten compliments like that, but from her it was different.

"Stefan I think I'm just going to go home." Elena told her boyfriend. He nodded and told her to be safe after asking if she needed a ride. She nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the Grill.

She stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets as she walked on the sidewalk of the town square. It was a bit chilly once the wind picked up but it was bearable.

Honestly she was a little scared of her doppëlganger finding her, from what she'd heard Katherine was ruthless, cold hearted and not to mention a bitch. That's what everyone said. But Lilac said nothing of that, it seemed like they might be friends. Though it seemed impossible for Katherine to have friends in Elena's mind, it was definitely possible.

All thanks to the no humanity vampire Katherine was still alive today. Lilac didn't save her because she cared, or because she felt sympathy for the girl in danger. It was simply because she saw a fighter, a survivor, and needed someone to tag along with her on the journey of life.

While Elena walked home, at the border of Mystic Falls Katherine had finally woken up, not realizing how long she'd been sleeping. Cursing at Lilac for leaving her alone she scrambled out of the car and went off into the town she hadn't entered on so long to find her only friend.


After a few minutes of looking she saw someone familiar in the distance, someone that looked like herself walking alone in the streets. Her doppëlganger. She smirked to herself as she sped over to her look alike and stood infront of her, making Elena gasp.

"You must be Elena." Katherine grinned at the reaction on the human girls face.

"How do we look so much alike?" She asks, not even bothering to answer Katherine's retorical question.

"Something that I don't even know sweetie." Katherine says while circling Elena, tracing her finger along her shoulder. Katherine enjoyed scaring Elena, telling by her rapid heart beat she was definitely scared.

"What do you want?" She asked nervously.

"Just checking up on my favourite people." Katherine had absolutely no idea why she was here besides meeting her doppëlganger. Lilac had all the answers and she needed to find her.

"I see you found your twin." Lilac's voice rings through Katherine's ears as the third of the brunettes walks up to them.

"Funny, but no. She's too nice to be me." Katherine says making Lilac laugh. She enjoyed Katherine making people feel bad, it was her nature.

"True, but all she needs to do is curl her hair and," Lilac trailed off as she went to touch Elena's hair, but the human slapped the vampires hand away, quickly regretting it.

"Oh, she's feisty, I like her already." Lilac exclaimed.

Elena breathed in relief that she he hadn't gotten on her bad side, even thought it seemed like her bad side was always showing. Suddenly Lilac pinned Elena to a building wall, holding her just above the ground, her fangs bare.

"I'd rather not kill you because the outcome of two vampires coming after me are just not on my list. So I suggest you do as I say, are we understood?" Lilac sneered at the human. Elena nodded her head rapidly before she was dropped to the ground with a thud.

Before she can even look up from the ground, the two vampires wisking away to be no longer seen for another day.


Katherine sat on the couch pouting, yes pouting, only because she didn't get to see the one person she knew would be in Mystic Falls. Besides Lilac, there was one person she truly cared about and that was Stefan Salvatore. She'd been in love with him ever since she'd laid her eyes on him, she's loved him dearly.

"Stop looking so pouty Kat, it's cute but not a good look." Lilac commented as she entered the living room of their house.

Katherine instantly smiles before unpouting herself and uncrossing her arms, becoming relaxed. Lilac sat next to Katherine and grabbed the remote turning on the TV infront of them.

Lilac streched and let her arm draped behind Katherine, her hand slightly touching Katherine's shoulder. Katherine began to feel an odd warm feeling in her. Lilac thought nothing of this but just being comfortable.

As the two watched the movie playing on the screen, Katherine couldn't help but think about how Lilac was before she turned her humanity off. Of course she knew the reason she'd done so, but didn't know what she was like before.

Asking would require Katherine to be prepared for attack because Lilac hated being asked about her past. Sure she had no humanity, but no one but herself knew what she was like as a human, as a vampire with humanity.

With Lilac, Katherine had learned to let her guard down and be nice sometimes. Unlike Lilac who was just a bitch all of the time.

"Lilac?" Katherine whispered. When she got no response she looked over to see her partner fast asleep on the couch.

With a sigh Katherine picked the older vampire up and carried her to her bedroom. She gently placed her down and pulled the covers over her body. Carefully she took the risk and placed a quick kiss upon Lilac's forehead.

Katherine smiled at herself before exiting the room and entering her own. Stripping of her clothes she too began to fall asleep.

Lilac opened her eyes slowly, slightly confused as to why Katherine had done so, but rolled her eyes and fell asleep for real, but dreamt about her past self as per usual, and hating every minute of it.


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