0.6 - Injuries Of Many

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0.6 - Injuries Of Many

After finally convincing Lilac to go with them to Isobel's study, they were off within minutes after making a few stops for supplies.

Lilac was stuck driving with Elena in the same car and Damon and Alaric were probably chatting away. Lilac stared out the window boredly while Elena stole glances at her.

It was hard to not talk to her, she wanted to know more about this vampire, just like everyone else. What a better time then now.

"What were you like before your humanity was switched off." Lilac gripped the steering wheel once those words came out of her mouth. She hated how many times she was asked that, so for everyone's sake, she decided to tell Elena only.

"Who wants to know?" Though she was going to tell her, she wasn't going to let it out that easily.

"Me. I won't tell anyone, I promise." The look Elena was giving Lilac made her roll her eyes. It was the look of honesty.

"I was not this. If you must know, I was kind, loving, gentle. If you asked any of the people who knew me then you'd be surprised what they'd tell you. When I was turned the only thing that was keeping me sane was my humanity, but that's gone obviously." She speeches it loud and clear for her. Elena is taken back on that she remembered all that.

"Do you know who turned you?" Lilac scoffed.

"Do I know? I rememeber the entire thing and the reason why. But that's something I'm keeping to myself, like the rest of my past." Elena still had so many questions now that she was talking.

"How was Hillary?" That question tore Lilac off the rims. She hated that her past was being brought up.

"My dead lover." She mumbled before steering into the driveway of a large building.

Alaric and Damon stepped out of their car, Lilac and Elena quickly following. Elena looked sadly at Lilac as they all walked to the building, knowing how much pain she mist have been through.

They entered the building and went to the information desk where everyone was assuming was Isobel's assistant. Alaric did the talking while they all looked around.

Lilac watched the girl behind the desk slowly stand up and lead the way to a door with a key in her hands. She looked suspicious, so Lilac decided to keep an eye out for her.

They all entered and began looking around. Elena searched at random book titles until one popped up at her, making her call to Lilac.

"Your last name is Jenkins, right Lilac." Lilac rose an eyebrow before making her way over to Elena. Looking where she was she saw a book with her last name in it. She pulled it out quickly and opened it, blowing any remains of dust on it.

Lilac scanned through the pages, rememebering each and every one of them. But on the first page, was everyone that was in the first year, including one name.

Lilac Jenkins

She shut the book and decided to keep it with her. Knowing that all this information was in this book was something to keep hidden far away from any of them.

Lilac suddenly heard and click and turned to see the woman with a crossbow point straight at Elena. With a groan she quickly made her way over to Elena just as the arrow was shot. It hit Lilac just near the heart before another one was shot in her stomach.

Lilac breathed in pain before speeding her way over and almost killed he girl when Alaric stopped her.

"Stop! She knows things, please don't kill her." Lilac's fangs just pricked her girl's skin. She dragged her self over before ripping the first arrow out of her stomach but had an idea.

"Elena pull it out for me." Elena shook her head.

"You do it."

"But I want you too. Now do it." She demanded. Elena made her way over and carefully wrapped her hand around the arrow before pulling it out from her chest. Lilac coughed and groaned before smirking.

"Good job." She patted her head before leaving everyone in the room. She had what she needed and no longer needed to protect Elena. She was all set to go back to Mystic Falls and look through her book of the past.


Sorry this was kinda a filler sorta chapter, but I hope ya'll still enjoyed it. Next chapter should be up next week.


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