0.9 - True Love Isn't For Everyone

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0.9 - True Love Isn't For Everyone

Elena was flustered, annoyed and happy with how it went with Lilac. There was no denying a small crush forming in her heart. Only problem was Stefan. She loved him, like Katherine does, but if she feels this why about someone she'll have to do the unthinkable and break up with him.

It pained her to do so, so she decided to wait and see if it was going to be a problem. Everyone felt like this sometimes so why couldn't she?. She made her way back home and scurried up to her room and went to take a nap, hopefully to have dreams about her and the inhuman vampire.

While Elena slept, Katherine was pacing and pacing and pacing around the entire house. She couldn't keep her feelings for Lilac anymore. It'd been 500 years so it's safe to say she's waited long enough. The right moment was never going to happen and she was hoping that telling Lilac about her love for her would somehow dig into her soul, find her heart, and turn the switch on.

Katherine couldn't stop drinking, smiling and pacing, all something she did when she was nervous. Lilac had no humanity, which made this more troubling for her because she could say the most hateful thing and not care.

Lilac returned from the bathroom, a confused expression on her face.

"What happened now? Stuck on ehat jacket to wear?" Lilac laughed as Katherine did nervously, knowing how many leather jackets she had.

"No, I'm perfectly fine with my jacket. But I've got to tell you something." Katherine sat on the couch, shaking slightly. She never in her entire life had to do something as terrifying as this. It made her think of the worst and that was being rejected or Lilac leaving her.

Lilac sat beside her, and for some unknown reason took Katherine's hands in her. "It can't be that bad, so calm the hell down and tell me what's going on."

She released Katherine's hands and kept her gaze on her partner in crime, well, soon to not be.

Katherine looked into Lilac's eyes, opened her mouth, and words began to flow out. She had no control over the rambling she was doing, but it was a stalling to the real reason she was so nervous.

"Katherine!" Lilac yelled and stopping her ramble. "Stop rambling and tell me the truth."

Katherine took a deep breath and let out, "iminlovewithyou."

Lilac laughed, clearly not hearing what Katherine had just said. "Say that again I didn't catch it."

Katherine sat up straight, stared deep into Lilac's eyes before saying,

"I'm in love with you."

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