1.0 - Control

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1.0 - Control

Just like as promised to herself, she had returned to her old self, yet the talk with Elena didn't leave her mind. It was a strange conversation about feelings and a small bit of her past.

Katherine was avoiding Lilac, obviously still coping with the fact that Lilac didn't love her, but that didn't the bother her at all. Lilac was fine with staying away from her.

She had deleted the video of the tworld of them kissing, not wanted to rememeber it at all, smashed the camera and was on her merry way.

"Come to torture me again Damon?" Lilac says taking a gulp of borbon when she'd felt the presence of the vampire on her household.

"No, I've come to talk." Damon said coming into view.

"We have different versions of talking, so I'd like to do ity way." Lilac demanded standing up.

Damon nodded and swiped a bottle of borbon and drank straight from it.

"So what is it that we need to discuss?"

"Your humanity." Lilac groaned and fell onto the floor, clearly annoyed with this ongoing question.

"What about my humanity is so special that you keep asking about it?" She asked.

"Because there's a strong reason to why it's off, and I want to know why." Damon pressed. He could be persuasive, but it was going to take time to get it out of Lilac.

"Well you're not going to get anything out of me."

"Let's talk about Hillary." Damon was once again, for the fourth time at least, thrown to a wall. Lilac fumed. It didn't matter if she had no humanity, her past was a rough spot that she hated.

"Hillary was nothing to me, so drop it Damon." She whisked out of the house, escaping the blue eyed vampire.


Lilac passed by the cemetery, noticing a very big group of people surrounding not one, but at least twenty coffins. Lilac scoffed at the sad atmosphere as she passed, remembering that night of rage.

She walked into the grill, no expecting to see anyone she'd know before sitting at a random table. She didn't notice someone looking at her from afar until she caught him with her own eyes.

She stared at the man, intensely before he made his way over to her, placing a seat across of her. A smirk made its way to his face.

"Hello love. It's been a while." Lilac contained the unknown anger in her body.

"Niklaus, my sworn enemy, what do I own the pleasure?" Lilac said taking a swig of her drink.

"I've come to check up. After centuries surely you'd realized I'd come looking." Klaus continued to stare at Lilac, hoping to get under her skin.

"Actually I didn't. I though I made it clear when I got my revenge." It was Klaus' turn to feel anger.

"Believe me dear, you did. Even with no humanity you still hold a grudge." Klaus chuckled.

"Correct my fellow original." She smirked before smashing her beer bottle atop his head. Klaus was distracted for a moment, a moment where Lilac escaped.

Adrenaline passed through her bones, her only though was to get away from Niklaus. Since that fateful night was the last time she'd seen or heard of the terrible monster.

Soon Lilac crashed with a body and both went down. She took a second to breath, smelling a familiar smell before blasting to her feet.

"Found you." Lilac looked down at Katherine, who still had a somewhat heartbroken look in her eyes.

"Guess you did. What were you running from?" Lilac didn't need to answer, for the answer stood right in front of them.

"Our past, Katherine. Our past."


Klaus stood staring at the two girls from his past, the two not breathing as fear set into Katherine's body. Lilac only stared at him again. One thing that made both of them run, and one thing they had in common, was Klaus.

Control is what both ladies needed to keep themselves from tearing the hybrid to shreds. Though his family would get revenge, it was settle the pit in both their stomachs.

"You two are the only women I've seen in my lifetime that has run from me" He chuckles while both look at him in disgust.

"We saw the truth. The beast within the man." Lilac said proudly. Best thing about being an original, couldn't be killed, unless by the white oak stake.

"Look Klaus, I don't know why your here, but you best get it over with and leave." Katherine said with a bit of confidence and stepped in front of Lilac protectively.

"Cute Katarina, but I think Lilac can handle herself." Klaus said just as Lilac stepped beside Katherine.

"I've never heard you say something so right in my life." Those were Lilac's last words before she lunged at Klaus.

She bit, clawed, scratched and did asa such damage as she could. She was thrown against many hard surfaces, her face met a terrible fate and her body bruised. She did her fair share of damage on the hybrid before whisking Katherine away.

Arriving at their house Lilac began trashing the place. She ripped pillows, threw any object she could grab, slid things off tables and fell to the ground. Something was happening to her, she didn't know what, but knew it wasn't going to end well for her.


Oh god what's happening to Lilac? That's what you get for having your humanity off for too too long. Hope ya'll enjoy the chapter. I've gotta stop with such short chapters! God I'm sorry!


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