0.3 - Funeral Tricks

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0.3 - Funeral Tricks

The next morning Katherine woke up to the house being empty, Lilac nowhere in sight. This was usual for her to up and leave, but she'd always leave a note. So getting up from bed Katherine went into the kitchen, expecting a note from her.

She stole a blood bag from the fridge and drank it's remains as she leaned against the counter, eyes wondering around the area in search for a piece of paper.

After five minutes of searching she gave up angry that there was no note and just got ready. After putting on her leather jacket she felt into her pocket and found a folded card. Of course she put it there.

Katherine smiled as she opened the card. Inside wasn't something she expected.

Please come to say goodbye to Mayor Lockwood as we celebrate his life on this earth.

At the Lockwood Mansion. 4pm.

She smirked and looked at the clock, only twelve so she had time to do as she pleased. So she left the house, knowing exactly where Lilac would be and went to have some of her own fun.


Lounging on the red velvet couch of the Salvatore house Lilac continued to wait for one of the brothers that lived in this house to find her. Better to meet the guys that Katherine was hopelessly in love with, especially the one she's still attached to.

Lilac didn't understand how you could be hung up on someone for over a century. It was stupid really because they most likely have moved on and totally lost feeling for you, plus it was useless. No need to love anyone when you have yourself and only you to count on.

Her eyes glanced at the front door when she heard a click and watched as both brothers, plus the pesky human she'd threatened the night before walk through the door, talking about the inhuman vampire.

"I'm telling you Damon, she has no humanity and won't hesitate to kill anyone. There's been bodis piling up ever since she's been here!" Elena exclaimed as she followed the boys into the living room, all surprised by the vampire sitting in their house.

"I take it that's her." Damon asks. Lilac smirks and nods.

"I am her. Oh and dear, I'm not the murderous rampaging killer your thinking of. Those are most likely Katherine's, or Damon's." Lilac answered and took a sip of the borbon bottle in her hand.

"She doesn't seem so bad." Damon comments. Lilac scoffs before pushing her hand into his chest and clutchs his heart. His breath hitched as he stared wide eyes at the girl.

"I'm not bad Damon, I'm worse." Lilac chuckled and tugged on his heart, causing him to groan in pain. A hand was placed on her shoulder in which she soon twisted around causing it to break.

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