Chapter 52

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"And don't forget to do your homework guys! Due of that is this Friday!" Ms. Candace called up as the class went out of the classroom. Apparently, Red and I were the last ones to be out.

Apparently, when we got out of the classroom, more and more people began to scatter the hallway while getting their things in their lockers and moving in rooms. Some of them heading to the cafeteria for their break.

Suddenly, aside was about to head for my locker, Red puts his hand on my locker door and began leaning on his right side.

"What is it?" I asked, suddenly shocked of his movement.

"Look, I really wanted to talk to you about what happened back there in the hospital plus I wanted to do the Chemistry homework together at your place," Red suggested.

"I don't know if now or later is a good time to talk about it besides from the fact that I'm trying to get over it," I began to say. "But yeah sure. Why not? I like a good homework pal around in my house."

"Great. I'll be there in your house around 8?" Red asks.

"Sure sure. See you!" I chirped as I waved him goodbye as I was on my way to Trigonometry class.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Come on please," Kathy said as she kept on begging me to go shopping for the party that's gonna happen this Friday.

"Maybe tomorrow or this Thursday," I replied. "Because Red and I are gonna do our Chemistry homework."

"Speaking of Chemistry, you and Red blend with each other, if you know what I mean," Kathy said as she had a smirk and a wink on her face.

"Shut up, girl," I said as I gave her a playful glare.

"You're welcome," she chirped cheerfully.

"So, how was Physics?" I randomly asked her as we head to our lockers.

"Eh, I gave up," she said.

"That feeling," I replied.

"Yep," she replied as she opened her locker and got her Spanish  book and closed her locker.

As we were talking down the hallway along with the other students scattering, I knew I'd better be drop dead now than later.

Rebecca and her girls, I thought.

Rebecca, as always, is in the middle. She's wearing her white bra top with a pair of skinny jeans and her pair of Steve Madden beige heels. Her girls Gina and Carly wore the same thing except for the fact that Gina has her pair of white Converse tops while Carly had her pair of beige Charles & Keith flats.

Classic minions, I thought again.

While we were walking past them, Rebecca "accidentally" bumped me that almost caused me to fall down along with my books that were already toppled off on the floor.

"Whoops," Rebecca said in one of her fake innocent tones, fake gasp that was covered by her hand, and wide eyes. "You bumped me."

"No I didn't!" I said, almost raising my voice.

"Really? Trying to act so innocent there, liar," she said as she was firing back at me.

And this how it went:

"And I bet you wouldn't get an Emmy or a Grammy for that shitty acting of yours."

"Really? I wasn't even going to get an award at your show, bitch."

"Well honey, I wasn't going to be there when you trip and fall anyway."

"Huh, couldn't think of anything better?"

"I couldn't think of any better because I thought the best."

"Nat, I think it's time for us to go," Kathy whispered as she grabbed my arm and we started to walk.

"Oh by the way," Rebecca called out. "We're not yet done. You hear? Not. Yet. Done."

"Soooo predictable," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Please, you're way better than that feeling pretty slut who just broke up with her boyfriend," Kathy said confidently.

"I know," I said softly as I looked down.

"Anyway, let's go to the bathroom. I have something to tell you," Kathy said as she led me to the bathroom.

When we reached to the bathroom, we locked the door behind us.

"Okay girl, what is it?" I asked.

"Okay," she began. "I'm moving out to Amsterdam for college."

"What? Why?" I asked, feeling so shocked at this.

"Well, my mom has this relative who sent me the application form and my mom that I should take it because I'm spreading out of my wings and I should be open minded about it," she said.

"Let me come with you," I said.

"No. You have University of California and I got Amsterdam," she said sadly.

"Aww. At least we can communicate with each other, right?" I asked cheerfully.

"Yeah. And then we could video chat using Skype to catch up with each other," she replied cheerfully.

"But still, congrats though. I hope you get in," I said happily.

"They'll hope for my entrance," she said in a witty tone.

We laughed and hugged each other for a second. After that we pulled away from each other.

"Oh and by the way," I began. "Want to shop at Bershka, Forever 21, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, or at Hot Topic?"

"Haha, we'll see tomorrow. By the way, we need to get ourselves in class," Kathy said as she opened the door.

"Sure," I replied as I went out first and then Kathy followed.

On the way to our classes, we had a good convo all the way to her final class, which was Geometry.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trigonometry seemed a bit boring. It seemed that some of the concepts were already discussed when I took up Physics last year. But oh well, we might as well need it.

Needless to say, he gave us a homework. First time. He doesn't usually give home works unless he wanted to. So yeah, two home works. I can totally do this. It's just a 5 - item homework. Probably I'm gonna invite Matt over to help me. That way we could have a study group for home works with Red.

As soon as Trigonometry class was over, I got out of the classroom with him and we were off to the noisy hallway.

"Hey dude," I began as Matt faced me with a sleepy look. "I was wondering maybe if we could help each other in our Trigonometry home work tonight?"

"Ooooh I can't," Matt said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I got something to do tonight. Trigonometry isn't a regular subject right? So we get to meet this Friday I guess?" he suggested.

"Sure!" I said.

"I'm gonna head home in a while. Catch with you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Okay. See you!" I said as I waved at Matt as he headed out of the school and turned around and waved at me.

I head to my locker to wait for my siblings, Kathy, and Gabby to come over after their class, imagining what would happen next.

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