Chapter 1

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BEEP BEEP BEEP. Ugh kill me now. I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the blaring alarm clock. A Groan escaped my lips as the realization hit me, Another long boring school year lies ahead. At least it is our Senior year. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, “BECCA! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED,” I shouted loud enough to be heard from her room next door. Oh yeah let me fill you in on a few things that have happened in the last few months. So since my birthday I moved in with Becca and her family and of course that cute little puppy Chris got Becca. I mean don't get me wrong, I loved living with my boyfriend but we needed some space. Yes, it has been a total of three months since Blake and I have been together, and four for Becca and Chris. I know, I am surprised the man whores can hold down a relationship that long too. It is now our Senior year and I couldn't wait to live it up. “Fuck school, I need my beauty sleep,” Becca said walking in my room and laying on my bed, well more like a lazy fall. I laughed as I took in her appearance. Her hair was in a total mess, she had on her hello kitty pajama pants and with one of Chris sweatshirts. “Wow Becca, you look attractive, I can see why Chris loves you,” I said holding back a laugh. She shoved me off the bed causing me to hit the ground with a thud and hit my arm on the nightstand, “damn it Becca. I bruise you know,” I said getting up and sitting on her back. “Ouch you cow, get off me,” she said struggling underneath me. I laughed and rolled over so I was laying next to her, “So I guess I will call the boys and tell them we will walk since you aren't even close to being up,” I teased. She jumped up, “Hell no, I am moving,” She said running out of my room to hers. I laughed, living with her is going to be one hell of a year that was for sure. When her parents heard about the news with my dad, they were so kind and asked me to stay with them. Ever since I known them they have treated me like family. I mean I have known them my whole life so basically they were my second family already. I called them by their first names, Jade and Nate. Becca's parents were like teens at heart, they weren't like your typical family. When they heard the news about my dad they offered right away, but I decided to live with Blake over the summer and them for the school year.

After laying on the bed for another ten minutes, I finally worked up the strength and dragged myself out of bed and to my closet. What to wear my first day of Senior year. I mean, I want to look classy, but not trashy. It was a new year for me, I mean, I had a reputation and all now being around the Man whores, and yes I still call them that because they still do it, well besides Blake and Chris of course. They have gotten a little better at it though, Jesse seems to lay low, same with Seth. I can't say the same for Ryan, Sam, and Eric. I stared blankly in my closet when my phone went off signaling I received a text. I walked over and opened it up with a smile. It was from Blake.

'Morning Good girl ;) -Blake'

I rolled my eyes at it and laughed. He would still be going on about that. Blake still sees me as that good girl who plays by the rules. Which I do, why? Because it is just how I am, I mean sure I have my rebel side but no one will see it. I replied back,

'Well morning to you too Whore ;) -Kassie'

I sit on my bed waiting for a reply from him. This was an every morning occurrence since I moved in with Becca. He would text me as soon as I woke up. How he knew I was awake was beyond me. My phone went off again and I looked at it and smiled.

'Ready for a kick ass Senior year? Better dress to impress babe. I have a rep to protect :) -Blake'

I laughed and shook my head. He was going to make my school year a millions of times better. Along with all the guys. We have all become super close, like they are all my brothers. I replied back,

'Hell yeah I am.. and excuse me, I dress to impress every day... Now leave me to get ready and you better be here on time ;) -Kassie'

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