Chapter 11

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 After we got Farrah to settle down we left. Chris gave her a piggy back ride all the way to the dinner. Blake and I went in first, “Hey guys,” Blake called out and motioned everyone to come outside. They all followed us, “What are we doing?” Jesse asked. I knew they were all hungry but it was going to be worth it. I smiled, “We found something,” I said. Blake smiled, “Yeah, hey Chris bring over the surprise,” he called out. Chris walks out from the side of the building with Farrah. Everybodies eyes light up, well not Becca, she was confused she knew it was Blakes sister but she didn't understand how all the guys knew her. Farrah was running to everyone and giving them hugs. I watched as they all took turns with her. “Farrah!” I voice called from the parking lot. I turned and seen Mrs. Stevens with Mr. Stevens. Blake tensed and pulled me back, then all the boys gathered around blocking Farrah from the man who kidnapped her. They walked closer to our group. “I thought I told you to stay in the house,” he yelled at the little girl. Farrah grabbed my hand with one of hers and Blakes pant leg with her other. Blake growled, “Don't you fucking yell at her,” he snapped. Mr. Stevens laughs, “My daughter,” he said simply. Chris and the boys all stepped closer. Then Mr. Stevens grabbed Blakes mom by the arm, way tighter than he should, “You know I'll do it Blake, don't make this hard,” he said. Blake looked torn. “Blake, don't do anything he says... You take Farrah, don't worry about me,” she says earning a tighter grip from his dad. Blake stepped forward again and his dad grabbed his moms arm with both hands, “I can snap it like a twig boy, you don't want that do you?” he said with a smirk. Blake stepped back. Farrah was in tears at this point, “Mommy,” she whispered. Mrs. Stevens looked at the little girl then me with hopeful eyes.

As we all kept our eyes on Blakes dad as he talked about who knows what, I noticed Becca was behind him. I smiled slightly, we had the upper hand here. I nodded to Becca and she had a evil smirk on her face. I elbowed Chris in the side and he looked down at me. I nodded toward Becca and he smiled and nodded to, getting the other boys attention. I grabbed Farrah and picked her up, placing her on my side. Mr. Stevens locked eyes with me, just like I planned. I smirked as Becca jumped on his back making him lose his grip on Blakes mom so he could pull her back. Then Chris, Jesse, Ryan, and Seth held Mr. Stevens back. Blake hugged his mother who was in tears. “Police are on the way,” Sam said with a smirk. Farrah reached for Blake and he took her as their family had a moment. Soon the cops came and took his dad in with kidnapping charges, Assault and much more. “Alright, now can we get food, i'm freaking starving,” Jesse said. We all laugh and go inside for food.

The next week flew by. Farrah was settling in well, Mrs. Stevens was happy, and Blake seemed to be whole having his family back. Even the other boys seemed more cheerful. Now it was Friday night and we were all at Blakes. “So, even though you love farrah you are still man whores, and what happens if she meets someone like you people in high school?” Becca asked. They all looked at her, “We will kill the prick,” Ryan said with a serious face. Becca and I laughed, “You are going to kill a kid who was just like you were back in the day?” I asked. Blake shrugged, “She is our little sister, of course we will.... I mean, we could do it because it wasn't our sister. But if any boy thinks about touching her, hurting her, or even thinking about her, we will kill them,” He says proudly. I shook my head, “I will never understand guys and their sisters or daughters, ever,” I said. “Wasn't your dad like that with you?” Eric asked earning a slap from both Jesse and Chris. I laughed, “It's alright guys, no need to abuse him... Yeah he was actually. He protected me from everything and anything,” I said with a smile at the memories. Becca smiled, “And now she has my dad to do that for her still, I mean the guy is old but hell, he could pack a punch... Right Sam,” she said with a smile. “Oh story I need to hear?” I asked looking around. Everybody laugh, “Sammy boy decided to go over to Beccas one day for homework, but he failed to knock so Nate thought it was a robber and punched him,” Seth said between laughs. Then we all laughed again. “Not funny, he's like a freaking boxer man,” Sam says crossing his arms. “Hey, next time you will knock,” Becca said.

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