Chapter 2

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 After lunch the day went by faster and I soon found myself walking toward the gym for Cheer. When I walked in Becca was already there getting glares from all of the cheer team. When I got to her she seemed tense and on edge, “What did I miss,” I asked eying the other girls and they backed down a little. That was another plus to being friends with the bad boys, no body really dared to mess with you, which I guess was a good thing. “Nothing, just complete awkwardness. But on a good note the queen bee isn't here yet,” she said a little more amused. I smiled, “Good,” I looked to all the girls who looked like they wanted us dead. Then coach walked in and stopped, “Kassie, Becca, what brings you to practice,” she asked looking at her clip board. We walked over to her, “Well, we wanted another chance to be on the team,” Becca said. The coach looked up and back at her notes, “You're in, same positions,” she said with a smile. My heart skipped a beat, I was Captain and Becca was Co-Captain again. I heard a few girls groan and coach spoke up, “Ladies, I expect you to respect your captains,” she said walking away. I smiled at the girls, and just at that moment Molly walked in and Coach filled her in. Her jaw dropped and coach left the gym. Molly walked over and threw her pom poms down, “You stupid bitch why do you ruin everything,” she yelled. Becca just smirked, “It's fun to watch you get mad,” she replied. Molly glared at us, “You really do have to have everything don't you.... Why can't you let someone else have the spotlight for once,” she said, well more like shouted in my face. I smiled, “For one, you don't deserve it. Being a captain means supporting everyone on the team... Now I don't know about you , but who on this team has got any sigh of support from Molly,” I asked the squad. They all looked anywhere but us which only proved my point. I looked back at Molly, “And the team speaks,” I said. She had a little break down before getting in formation with the girls as we ran threw our dances.

After practice Becca and I walked out to the parking lot only to remember the boys had football practice. “Damn it, now what do we do,” I asked. Becca sigh, “We have an hour to kill,” she said looking at her phone. We started walking over to the field when someone shouted to us and we turned. Lord kill me now, I thought as Carson and his friends walked up with smirks on their stupid faces, which only wanted me to slap them even harder than I already did. Becca watched their every move and had her phone out which I am assuming she texted Chris right away but no way they would be able to get out of practice. “Hey Babe,” Carson said leaning on a car next to us. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, “What is it?” I asked annoyed. He looked amused, “Can't wait to watch you two lovely ladies shake it at tomorrows game,” he said making his friend chuckle. “You're a pig,” Becca snapped at him. Carson looked over at her, “Says the girls dating guys who have hooked up with half the school population,” he says a little more serious. I rolled my eyes, “Says the one who hooked up with one of my best friends while dating me,” I shot right back at him. He stepped closer and I stood my ground, “Wow, the kid really has changed you Kassie,” he said as I pushed him back. “I haven't changed. Now run along,” I said trying to get my point across that I want them to leave. He just laughs and cups my face with his hands, “I told you this game wasn't over darling.. It has only just begun,” he says as him and his friends walk away. What? Did he just? What the fuck?

I watched to make sure they were gone before turning toward Becca, “Did he just threaten you?” she said in shock. I didn't want her to worry because then Blake would find out and he is already protective over me, plus he needed to focus on his sports. “No, he was just joking don't worry about it. He won't do anything with Blake around,” I said as we walked to the field. As soon as the boys seen us they ran over, “Are you alright? Did he touch you?” was Blakes first words when we walked up. Chris shook his head, “Dude, chill out,” he said hugging Becca, “Thanks for texting me,” he said. Becca smiled, “Hey if he was going to kill us at least you would have known who did it,” she said as a joke. Blakes head snapped up at her comment, “That's not even funny Becca,” he said in a serious tone. I grabbed his hand making him look at me. “Hey, calm down. We are fine,” told him, “On the plus side guess who got their spots back on the cheer team,” I said with a huge smile. Blake lifted me up and spun me, “That's great, we need our good luck charms to win the game,” he said. I smiled and pushed him back toward the field, “Go practice now,” I said as Becca also pushed Chris to. They smiled and ran back to the football team and got yelled at from coach but they didn't seem to mind.

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