chapter 10

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  The next day I woke up to my alarm. Damn we have school. I slammed my hand on the alarm and groaned. “Morning,” Blake says next to me. I jump and fall off the bed to the floor holding my heart, “God, don't do that,” I say as he laughs. I glare at him, “Watch it buddy,” I say as I slowly get up. He chuckles once more, “Finally talking again I see,” He says sitting up. I shrug, “To you, I don't know... I'm just upset about what the douche said,” I say. Blake grabs my arm and pulls me down on top of him, “Well, his words mean nothing.... Because you have wonderful friends and me,” he says with a smile. I kiss him and get up, “Now, get out so I can get dressed,” I say pointing toward the door. He frowns, “I was hoping to stay for--” I cover my ears, “Don't you dare finish that sentence Blake,” I say pushing him out and closing the door. I can hear him laugh as he goes down the stairs. Once I am sure he is gone I jump in the shower. I throw on some pink shorty and a white tank top, my hair is in its natural wave down my back. I smile and grab my bag.

Downstairs I hear Jade and Nate talking with Blake. I smile as I walk in. “Oh Kassie,” Jade says hugging me, “Are you alright, you were upset yesterday and these thugs wouldn't tell me why,” She says glaring at Blake and the boys who are also here. They all stuck their tongues out at her, “'We didn't know what was wrong either,” Ryan states. Nate chuckles, “You teens and your problems,” he says. I look around, “Where's Jesse?” I say sitting next to Blake and Chris. Chris sigh, “He is laying in the living room. He feels like shit still,” he says. I sigh and go in the living room. Sure enough, Jesse is laying on the couch with his arm over his eyes. He was pretty banged up, his cheek was bruised, cut above his eye, arms and legs are banged up pretty bad. I lean over the edge and whistle loud. He yells and jumps up smacking his head to mine. I fall back rubbing my forehead. “damn it kass,” he says also rubbing his head. I laugh a little, “Sorry thought you were dead or something,” I say getting up and sitting by him. “I feel like it,” he says leaning back. I frown, “Sorry.... If I would have never met the stupid douche we could have avoided all this,” I say playing with my hands. He sigh, “Not your fault. I shouldn't have gone alone. That was my mistake,” he says with a shrug. I smile and pull him to his feet, which was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be, “Good, lose some wait,” I tease with a smile. He fake hurts, “Are you calling me fat,” he says poking my side making me burst out laughing. “I'm sorry,” I say making him stop. Becca comes down and hugs me without warning making us both fall on the floor, “Whoa, tackle me why don't you,” I say laughing. She sits up still on me though, “Sorry I flip crap on you last night. I was just upset you weren't talking to us and I got mad. I am so sorry, I know you didn't want to talk...” she stopped when see seen me smiling, “What is so funny,” she asked. I chuckled, “Your face, you look like you committed a crime,” I say pushing her off and getting up and running to the kitchen. I grab Blakes arm and hid behind him. Becca walks is, “You... you pushed me,” she says in shock. I laugh, “You were crushing me,” I defend. Blake laughs, “Becca god, I need her alive you know,” everyone laughs. Becca crosses her arms like a child, “I am not heavy,” she pouts. Chris hugs her, “Of course not babe,” he says kissing her cheek. “Hey, whoa, hands off my daughters in my house hold lads,” Nate says to Chris and Blake. Chris backs up as does Blake and we all laugh. “Now, you all better get your butts to school... I don't need anymore calls from that annoying office lady saying my kids are late yet again.. I'm about ready to shove that phone up her--” Becca covers her mouth, “Dear lord mother, control your mouth,” she says. Jade smiles, “Sorry, I forgot im the adult here,” she says with a smile. I shake my head, “Alright, let's go freaks,” I say to the group.

At school I walk with Blake, Becca, Chris, Jesse, and Ryan. We all had first hour together so it worked out. As we walked I heard a chuckle, I turned and seen Molly standing with Carson's arm wrapped around her shoulders, “wow, look who showed up today,” she says with attitude. I cross my arms and smirk, “Molly, always a pleasure,” I teased. Becca giggled by my side. Blake wrapped his arm around my waist, Chris did the same to Becca and his other free hand around my shoulders, “Well would you look at that. The Queen bitch of the school and the douche bag are a fling, who would have guessed,” Ryan said leaning on the wall next to us. Carson shot him a look, “Watch it, or you'll end up like your friend over there,” he nods to Jesse who is next to Becca. Jesse tightens his fists at his side. Blake smiles, “You are only tough when Jace is around. You aren't fooling anyone, what is he you're boss or something,” he says making us all laugh. Carson steps forward, “Want to go Stevens,” he says. Molly grabs his arm, “Not now babe,” she tells him as he steps back. Becca laughs, “Wow, you got a tight leash on the little monster,” she snaps. Molly glares at her, “You should talk bitch,” she snaps back. Becca steps forward but Chris pulls her back to him, “Lets get to class,” he says as well all walk off. I look over at Jesse and he is still standing there. “Go on, i'll catch up,” I say to Blake as I walk over to Jesse. Jesse is just glaring at Carson and Molly. I grab his arm, “Jesse... come on,” I whisper. He looks down at me and his eyes soften and he smiles a little. He slings his arm over my shoulders and we follow behind the others.

After our first three periods we go home, it's only a half day so we planned on spending the day at our place. Becca opened the door and we all piled in, Blake, Chris, Becca, Jesse, Ryan, Seth, Sam, Eric, and me. Eric and Sam fought over the chair by the Tv only to be shoved out of the way by Seth who gladly took the seat. Chris was laying on the ground with Becca. Ryan,, Jesse, and Blake all say on the couch, and finally Seth and Eric settled for the floor as well. I smiled from the kitchen st my friends. They meant the world to me, they make me strong after everything i've been through. I looked around, “Becca, where has Jake been?” I asked sitting on the floor between Blakes legs. She shrugged, “I don't know, haven't seen him since the day on the field,” she said. I shrugged it off, he was probably settling back into his new house. We spent the after noon playing on the Xbox, well more like watching the boys get really into it and yelling at each other. It was priceless to say the least. Chris and Jesse got really into it though, they were basically having a full blown boxing match trying to distract each other so they could win. Becca and I just laughed at them. After awhile we all decided to go out to dinner. “How about Bri's dinner, I love that place,” Ryan suggested. We all agreed to go. “I have to stop by my place... I haven't check on my mom in awhile,” Blake said. Chris looked at him, “Alright let's all go then,” he said taking Becca's hand. Blake looked at me, “We will meet you guys there,” he said. I shook my head, “Nope, i'm going with you too,” I said. He frowned, “Kass,” he started but was to late. I already pulled him out the door with Chris and Becca behind us. The others agreed to meet us at the dinner.

Once we drove town the street to Blake, his dad's car was still there. That was weird, Blake said his dad never stayed longer than a few days. “Blake, why is he still here?” Chris asked the question I was thinking. Blake looked just as confused, “I don't know,” he said taking my hand as the three of us walked up the front steps. He opened the door to an empty house. We walked further in and there was broken glass in the kitchen. Blake tensed a little as did Chris. “Mom!” Blake yelled. Chris walked into the kitchen and picked up a few pieces, “damn, looks like a storm blew through the place,” he says. I go into the hall and in the living room, “Mrs. Stevens,” I say softly. I see something run down the hall. Oh god, it is moments like this I wish I never watched a scary movie. It reminds me of something like, weird possessed people hiding in an empty house. I swallowed my fear and followed the figure I saw. It went down the hall into a room. I opened the door to Blakes room. I stepped in, “hello,” I whispered. I heard a little cry. I seen a tiny figure curled up in the corner of Blakes room. I slowly walked over and bent down praying it wasn't a weird little ghost kid or something, “Hey,” I whispered as the little girl turned around. I gasp and covered my mouth. The girl looked like the picture of Farrah Blake has, his little six year old sister who he hasn't seen since she was four. “Farrah?” I asked. She backed away with tears in her eyes.

I got closer to her, “It's alright, I'm Kassie. Where's your mom?” I asked her. She looked at me before slowly crawling over into my arms. I hugged her. “Dad said him and mom were going out for dinner,” she whispered. I sigh, god knows what that means. I stood up with the little girl in my arms, “How'd you get here?” I asked her. She wrapped her legs around me and hugged me tight like her life depended on it, “Daddy said we were visiting, he said mommy was leaving soon,” she said looking at my face. I walked down the hall, “Blake!” I called. Farrah bounced in my arms, “Blake is here,” she smiled. I smiled at her excitement. For a little girl who was kidnapped she sure seems happy. Blake walked around the corner with Chris talking. As soon as his eyes land on Farrah his face lights up, “Farrah!” he calls running over and scooping the little up in his arms and hugging her. She giggles, “I missed you,” she says kissing his cheek. Chris smiles standing next to me, “Well, never thought i'd see the day that little girl is back in our lives, the boys will be so happy to hear,” he said. I looked a thim, “They know Farrah,” I asked. He nods, “Farrah is like a baby sister to all us, we were all pissed when she went missing,” he said. After Farrah was done with Blake she ran over to Chris, “Chris!” she screamed jumping into his arms. He picked her up and spun her around, “Hey princess, you've gotten big,” he said kissing her cheek. She giggles again, “Or you're getting old,” she said. Yup, she was Blakes sister all right. Blake hugs me, “Thank you,” he said kissing me. Farrah 'aw', “Are you his girlfriend,” she said with a smile. I nodded, “Yup, somebodies gotta keep him in line,” I said. Farrah smiled at me, “I like you,” she said. 

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