Chapter 4

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 Whoa, back this parade up. How the hell did he know my name? Or how I was dating and friends with the boys? Shit is getting weird. He stepped forward more. With each step he took I moved as well, only getting closer to the back door just in case. “Who say's he's not here?” I say in a bitchy tone. His face grows more amusement as he backs me to the wall. Placing his hands on either side of my face, “You aren't fooling anyone darling.... I heard your conversation with the boys,” he said looking into my eyes. I laugh, “So you are stalking me, is that it? Look, I have things to do and people to see, so bye,” I said ducking under his arm and walking back to the dance floor. I find Becca and we dance. Becca and I are amazing dancers, we used to be on the dance team but gave it up for cheer. So we were dancing it up, while the boys were god knows where. As we danced someone pulled me into their chest. My back being to them. I turned around in their arms and came face to face with the boy again. Only this time I could smell the alcohol on him, he was drunk. Which would explain him not realizing who he was talking to. I push on him but he holds me and place, “Let go!” I shout over the music. He just smiled and kisses my neck. I look at Becca and mouth 'get the boys' and she leaves. I push again on the boy and he stumbles back. “Don't you dare touch me again you pig,” I snap. He doesn't really seem to like that because he grabs my forearms and slams me to the wall causing a picture frame to fall and leave a small cut on my upper arm. He then smashes his lips to mine.

Who does this prick think he is? I push him back a little and slap him hard across the face, “What the hell?” I shout pissed. When he turns his head back he has a death glare at me. He raises his hand, I close my eyes and wait for the impact but nothing comes. Instead I open my eyes to see Blake holding the guys arm inches from my face. “Hasn't your mother ever taught you not raise you hand to a girl,” He said punching the kid right in the Jaw making him stumble back. Blake protectively stands in front of me, his eyes locked on the boy. The boy chuckles while wiping the blood from his lip, “Look who decided to show up. You know, letting your girl run around at a party by herself isn't a very smart idea Stevens,” he said with a smirk. Whoa, this kid really did have a death wish. Blake was clutching and un-clutching his fists by his side, which meant he was trying to control his anger at the moment. We have already created a small scene, we don't need a bigger one. I grab a fist full of Blakes shirt and lean my head on his back, “Don't get in a fight, please,” I begged him. His eyes never left the boy but he did seem to calm down a little. “Wow, the guys were right when they said you had yourself a winner Stevens, but I had to see for myself,” the unknown boy says looking at me. Every muscle in Blakes body seems to tense at this moment, “Stay the hell away from her Jace. This is your only warning,” Blake warned in a threatening voice. Jace laughed, “Carson said you would be protective over her... Well, guess not if you let her come to a party alone,” he said stepping closer. Blake didn't move an inch. I wrap my arms around Blakes waist from where I stand behind him hoping to keep a fight from breaking out. “She's a good kisser too,” the words barely left Jace's mouth before Blake was ontop of him. Since I had been holding onto Blake I got pulled to the ground as well. And we all know my luck, I landed right in the broken picture frame, earning myself a cut on my leg and another on my arm.

Just when I thought things were going to finish, Jace punches Blake in the jaw. This just causes Blake to get more angry, and lord knows when that boy is angry there is no holding back. Blakes hands come up and grab Jace by the shirt and he slams him to the wall and holds him there, “Come near her again, and I swear to god I will rip your throat out,” He says with one last shove letting Jace fall to the floor. I watch as Blake walks over to me and helps me up, “We're leaving,” he says pulling me toward the door. Everyone clears a path for us. We get to the door to find Becca, Chris, and Jesse waiting. Jesse looked me over, “What the hell? Becca came and got us and we couldn't find you,” he said. Chris looked up at Blake, “Thought you had family shit going on?” he said. Blakes jaw tightened, “I do,” he said running his hand through his hair. At this point Becca was all over me making sure I was alright, “That prick, I should have punched him while he first grabbed you,” she said upset. Chris pulls her into his side, “That kid would have not backed down,” he said. I nodded, “Yeah, I slapped him and he was going to hit me,” my comment made all the guys tense. Blake had anger flush over him yet again as I replayed what happened a few moments back. “He was going to hit you?” Jesse said shaking in anger. I slowly nodded, “Yeah, but he didn't,” I said holding Blakes hand. Blake looked down at me, his face softened, “Lets get out of here,” he said as well all made our way to the car.

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