Chapter 5

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 At lunch we were all seated at our normal table. It was two weeks into school and girls still gave Becca and me death glares and we would sometimes get hate letters in our lockers but we didn't tell anyone. “How's your face feeling Kass?” Ryan asked. I knew he felt bad since it was his party and he should have never let Jace somehow slip in without him knowing. I smiled at him, “I'm fine guys, really. I know you feel bad, but please don't,” I told them. They all sigh, “Kass, he hit you... We should have seen him there and kicked him out right away,” Seth said in a depressing tone. I shrugged, “You can't protect me from everything guys,” I said pushing my tray of food away. I haven't eaten the last two days. Chris gave me a look, “Not hungry?” he questioned. I shook my head no and Becca took my fries, “You are always hungry,” I said to her with a smile. The table laughs as we talk more. Half was through out lunch period I spot Blake walking in the court yard. He sees me and waves for us all to come out. I get the guys and Becca attention and we go out. “Dude, where were you?” Sam asks earning a slap to the head from Jesse. I hug him, as I do I notice his cheek is bruised. He didn't get hit last night so it was new. Blake looked at Chris and shook his head. Chris sigh, “How bad was it this time?” he asked. “It's getting worse,” Blake said as his grip on me tightened a little. Becca decided to butt in being her usual self, “Where were you anyways Stevens?” she said as she held Chris hand. I noticed Chris squeeze her hand as a sign not to go there. But Becca being Becca she wanted answers.

Blake didn't respond to Becca question because the bell rang. “Let's get to class,” Blake said dragging me along with him. We got to English and we were just in time. The rest of the day went by in a blur. Now we were standing by the car, Blake leaning on it with me inbetween his legs. He carefully runs his thumb over my cheek like he did the other night, “Sorry I missed the first half of school babe,” he said. I smiled, “It's alright. Chris said you had family things to deal with,” I said laying my head on his chest. He smooths down my hair, “Yeah, speaking of which. Mind if I stay at your house for a night or two,” he says making me look up at him. “Of course you can.. My I ask why?” I questioned. He looks away from me, “I just need a break,” he said looking back to me. I nodded, “Alright, well lets go get some of your cloths and we can go. Jade loves you so she wont care,” I say as we get in the car. The ride was silent as we pulled into the drive way. He was gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were turning red. I noticed an unfamiliar are there, one I only see there rarely. “Um, not to like come off rude or anything, but whose car is that. It's only here like maybe four times a month,” I said looking over at him. His whole body seemed to be tensed, “My dad,” he said getting out. I followed him, but he stopped when we got to the deck and turned, “Maybe you should wait in the car,” he said. I crossed my arms, “No way, I miss you mom and want to see her. You pack and I will just catch up with her,” I say to him. He sigh, “Kass, please,” he says again. I shake my head, “No can do babe,” I say taking his hand. He shakes his head and opens the door.

Instead of being greeted by a cheerful Mrs.Stevens, all I heard was silence. Blake pulled me along until we were in the kitchen where his mom was seated with her head laying on the dinner table. Blake cleared his throat making her head snap up. She looked tired and like she had been crying, “Blake, Kass,” she said a little smile appearing on her face. She slowly got up and walked over hugging me then Blake, “Oh Kassie dear, what happened to your beautiful face,” she said holding my face. Blake sigh, “I took care of it mom,” he said. She looked at him, “Wait, a boy hit you?” she said a little surprised. I nodded, “Just an accident that is all,” I said making Blake chuckle a little. “It wasn't an accident, Jace did it to get even with me,” he said. His mother gasp, “Jace did this... Oh Blake you and that boy need to settle whatever it is between you. When people start getting hurt it has to come to an end,” she begs him. Blake frowns, “Why should I forgive him for what he did? He never once apologized to....” he stopped. His mother shook her head before turning back to me, “You're bruise should be gone in a week or two baby girl trust me,” she said as if she had it before. I looked at her with a smile, “Thanks,” I said. A loud thud brought all our heads spinning toward the living room. Blake was against the wall. Mrs. Stevens grabbed my hand and pulled me to the table, “Lets talk,” she said as if hiding something. I kept hearing thuds and talking. “What's going on?” I asked. I noticed she had a few bruises on her arms. She was holding back tears as each thud came.

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