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Me: Heyo guyz! :3 I REALLY like Gravity Falls, so I decided to do an ask/dare! As you probably saw in the description, only Bill, Dipper, Mabel and Stan are available right now. My favourite character in the show is Dipper, for cuteness reasons. Just don't get offended by the personalities.

Dipper: *sighs* It's a bit boring around here, isn't it?

Mabel: It'd be less boring if you got your head out of that stupid old journal.

Dipper: Hey!! Shut up!!

Mabel: Don't tell me to shut up!!!

Dipper: I will if I want to!!

Stan: *comes in* What's going on here?!

Dipper: Mabel called my journal stupid!!

Stan: Well it kind of is...

Dipper: Stan!!!!

Dipper, Mabel and Stan: *shouting*

Bill: Well, well we-

Dipper: AGH!! BILL!!??

Bill: Hello, pinetree. I ha-




Bill: Uhm, I don't know why actually..

Dipper: You're just wasting my time then!!

Everyone: *shouting at each other*

Me: Woah woah woah!!!!!! Stop fighting!!

Dipper: Who said that!?!?

Me: Relax. Just stop fighting, OK?

Stan: Dipper sh, they might be offering money..

Me: I'm not exactly American, soo...



Stan: Well bye.

Me: No wait! I have a... Request for you.

Bill: You're starting to sound like me...

Me: ....

Bill: I like it.

Me: Just stop talking and listen, okay?

Everyone: *sighs* Okay..

Me: So, I'm going to give you a camera and-

Dipper: But there's a camera here.

Me:... Okay. So, basically you'll be getting asks and dares that you'll have to do, in front of the camera. Now, anything to say to the commenters?

Mabel: Hello!!!

Stan: Don't expect me to pay you.

Dipper: Just Don't mention the Lamby Lamby Dance!

Bill: I say, you mention it.

Dipper: NO DON'T!!!!! *knocks over camera*

Me: Well. That's enough for one day. Sorry if it was long. :P

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