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Mrooke: Cuz Dipper mentioned it, I dare Dipper to do the Lamby Lamby Dance.

Dipper: No!!!

Bill: Your shouldn't have mentioned it, Pine tree.

Dipper: I guess. *sighs* I'll be a minute.. *goes to closet*

Mabel: ....



Mabel: I guess he's getting dressed.

Bill: I thought it was girls who take so long to get dressed.

Mabel: ...

Dipper: *comes out of closet in lamb costume* .....

Bill: *trying not to laugh*

Dipper: Bill, stop it.

Bill: *bursts out laughing*

Dipper: Oh well, I guess if you don't stop laughing I won't do the dance then.

Bill: *shuts up*

Dipper: Well.... Who wants a lamby, lamby lamby? I do! I do! So, go up and greet your mammy, mammy, mammy.. Hi there! Hi there! So, march, march march around the daisies... And, don't, don't, don't forget about the babyyyyy!!!

Bill: *laughs*

Mabel: *clapping*

Stan: Hold on, do it again I don't think the camera was recording.

Dipper: Stan, it was recording, the light is blinking.


Dipper: Well, thank you mrooke for making me get embarrassed.

Me: Well that was fun. C:

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