Revenge With Cutlery

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Mrooke dared: I dare Dipdip to beat up Bill because I hate Bill! Also I owe Dipper! :3

Dipper (ghost): Good idea, I need revenge. Maybe your reward will be an apology.

Bipper: *sticking forks in arm* Pain is hilarious!!

Dipper (ghost): Urgh, I can't stop him unless I have a vessel. Well, I can pick up things. But how does that help me?

Bipper: *looking at blood on forks* Hahahahah!!!!

Dipper (ghost): Hm.. *picks up fork and throws it at Bipper's head*

Bipper: Huh? Agh!!!

Dipper (ghost): Aha! *starts throwing more forks*

Bipper: AGH!!!! S-STOP IT!!!! *tries to block forks*

Dipper (Ghost): Never!! *throws twenty*

Bipper: PAIN ISN'T HILARIOUS ANYMORE!!! *blood on arms*

Dipper (Ghost): You think so!? *keeps throwing*

Bipper: S-STOP!!!

Dipper (Ghost): Why? *throws less*

Bipper: I'll u-unpossess you!!

Dipper (Ghost): Hm, there isn't a catch, is there?

Bipper: No!! Just get me out of this pain jail!!!

Dipper (Ghost): Hm, okay.

Bill: *unpossesses Dipper's body* Finally I'm me again.

Dipper: *possesses own body* ....

Bill: Pinetree?

Dipper: AGH!!!!!!!!!! *falls over*

Bill: I see the pain has hit you anyway..

Dipper: Y-you think!?!?

Bill: Let's just go upstairs.

Dipper: O-okay.... *leans against wall*

Bill and Dipper: *go upstairs*

Mabel: *running around sticking stickers everywhere* COLOUR!!!!!!!!!

Dipper: Mabel?

Mabel: *stops sticking and looks at Dipper's head*

Dipper: ....?

Mabel: *bursts out laughing*

Dipper: What's so funny!!?!??

Mabel: You have like, fifty forks stuck in your head!!!

Dipper: F-fifty? *faints*

Me: Well that was long :P Lil disclaimer for my American readers, I spell colour differently. You guys spell it C-O-L-O-R and I spell it C-O-L-O-U-R. That is all. :3

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