This isn't really a dare, just more of an update. Just read. :3
Dipper: Mabel, have you seen Stan?
Mabel: Nope.
Dipper: Bill?
Bill: Nope.
Dipper: Hey look! There's a note on the floor!
Mabel: Read it! Read it! Read it!
Dipper: Alright, Alright. *reads*
Dear Bill, Mabel, and Dipper,
I have left for a while, due to ... Reasons. I have to work around the shack too. If anyone is coming back to the dare team, I say it's... It's not certain.
Mabel: Well, Stan's gone.
*suddenly, le rave happens*
Mabel: Wait what.
Dipper: Uhm..
Bill: I did nothing!
Le me: So you're telling me that Stan, just left?
Dipper: Yup.
Le me: I guess I'll have to fill in for him myself.
*I appear out of nowhere*
Mabel: *gasps*
Dipper: Why do you have the exact same hat as me?
Le me: Shush.
Dipper: *blushing*
Mabel: So, what shall we call ya?
Dipper: Heh, yeah. You need a name.
Le me: I have no idea.
Dipper: Maybe you should let Bill give you one. He's good at them.
Le me: Just call me Kate.
Dipper: That's a.. Nice name *slightly blushing*
Kate: Thanks, Dipdops.
Mabel: Dipper, you can flirt later~♥
Dipper: Hey!!
Kate: *eats popcorn*
Dipper: What are you doi-
Mabel: GIMME SOME POPCORN!!!!! *jumps on Kate*
Boop. So Stan is gone, so now you can dare meh.
MKAYAnywayz, bai. :3

Gravity Falls Ask/Dare!
Rastgele*May contain weirdness, awkwardness, otps, shipping, violence, blood and cuteness. Sooo... I've decided to do a Gravity Falls ask. At the moment, only Dipper, Bill, Meh and Mabel are available. I need to work on how the other characters act and stuf...