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ScarletMoon8 dared: I dare Bill to say "I love you" to Dipper.

Bill: ....

Mabel: Well?

Bill: Do I have to..?

Mabel: Well duh! It's a dare, Bill. Unless you're to scared to admit it...

Bill: Admit what?

Mabel: Oh you know... That you have a crush on Dipper!

Bill: What!? No I don't!!

Mabel: Are you sure?

Bill: Well, uhm...

Mabel: Go on, take a rose with you. *throws rose at Bill*

Bill: OW! *rose hits face* Sure, Shooting Star. *goes downstairs*

Dipper: *sitting on chair reading journal*

Bill: Hm.. *goes to Dipper* Hey Pinetree...

Dipper: AGH!! *falls off chair* You're not getting this journal Bill!!

Bill: I don't want the journal..

Dipper: What do you want then!?


Dipper: Just spit it out!

Bill: I LOVE YOU!!!!! *throws rose at Dipper and flies away*


Le me: Lookie here! The story has been revived, after a week. Woops. Having exams this week, so it's a bit stressful I guess. :/ Welp, thanks for the dare, ScarletMoon8!

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