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I wake to a loud screeching sound. I reach over to grab Cicada's arm to wake her but all that's there is grass. My eyes shoot open and I look around. The others are huddled back to back in front of me, looking out into the trees beyond the glade with fear in their eyes.

I get out of my sleeping bag. "What's goin-"


There it is again. The bloodcurdling scream coming from in the trees.

I grab my bow and load an arrow. Overhead something rustles the canopy. It looks like something is swings from limb to limb.

The scream sounds again, like an alarm, and I am my arrow into the trees.

"What the hell is making that noise?" Joss demands.

Something flies down from the leaves above, so fast it's just a blur, and tackles Joss to the ground.

I turn and fire my arrow at the big black blur.

The creature is massive. The dark brown fur. It looks at me with its tiny eyes set in its massive head with a large nose. It stands on Joss with all four of its legs. It has a tail pointing straight into the air, revealing its pink, hairless backside.

The scariest part is the massive yellow fangs in bares in my direction and the bloodlust in its eyes.

It opens its mouth wide and emits that godawful screech, it's roaring at me.

And the it lunges, it's nasty, fearsome yellow teeth bared wide at my face.

But then there a flash of silver and red fills my vision. The baboon falls to the grass, a bloody gash cut down its ribs.

Jonah holds the sword with the blade dripping red. It's the first time I've seen him use he weapon.

It's squeals pitifully and then it's head lulls to the side and its eyes slide closed. It's dead.

I help Joss up and we all stand there for a moment.

"We need to get out of-," Cicada starts but is interrupted by another screech.

"Run!" I scream as a baboon swoops down from the trees. I pull back my loaded arrow and shoot it straight through the neck. It crumbles to the ground next to its dead comrade.

We bolt our of the glade, leaping over outcropping roots and rocks that dot the jungle floor. We are going in no apparent direction and there's no tunnels to guide us here.

We charge but don't seem to be escaping the vicious baboons.

I feel and hand wrap around my shoulder as a baboon tackles me to the ground. My face hits the dirt hard.

I close my eyes and imagine the baboon standing atop my back. I imagine it baring its fangs.

I see Joss in my vision, unwillingly. That's weird. I never commanded my mind to see Joss.

Joss charges at the baboon, and nails it in the chest with his shoulder. The baboon closes its mouth and its fangs puncture Joss's back.

They fall to the ground and I get up. My eyes are open now.

Blood is soaking the back of Joss's shirt. He rolls off the baboon and stands. His blade protrudes from the creature's chest.

He pulls off his pack and tosses it in my direction.

"Run!" He screams but his voice sounds weak, "I'll hold them off!"

"You can't!" I say catching his pack. He rips his blade free from the animal.

"Get down!" I scream. I can hear the creatures all around us. We will be overrun soon.

I close my eyes and imagine Jonah, Cicada, and Joss all lying down at my feet. I imagine myself radiating heat like I did in the cavern with all the bees, which seems like a lifetime ago.

I imagine all the trees around us burning. The creatures screech as their advantage crumbles to ashes, literally. Charred and burning baboons fall from the trees as they turn to black remains of the jungle.

My friends and I all remain untouched by the fire.

I open my eyes as the remaining baboon retreat into the whole trees. All around us ash and flaming remains of the jungle litter the groin.

I look down and see Joss's shirt is even more red then before. I crouch down and draw a dagger from my boot. I slice the back of his shirt open, revealing two large round wounds on his left shoulder blade. I close my eyes and imagine the wounds closing, losing no more blood. I open my eyes and miraculously I see that Joss's wounds are sealed.

The others stand and look around at the carnage that I'd created.

"We need to get out of here," Cicada says, and we all agree.

The Network ( Book One of the Grounders Series )Where stories live. Discover now