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I've finally got to put a face to the name and voice. This face is scaly, with a snout protruding from it a massive menacing eyes above that. Within its snout is a million razor sharp teeth.

He exhales, he breath reeks of rotting flesh and blood. "Finally we meet," Alaric Constantine."

Hearing his voice in person is different. It has more of an edge to it, like fingernails on a chalkboard.

His eyes glow with the color of blood. His scales are Crimson as well, but his underbelly is dark, cloudy gray.

Blood dripped off his claws, and the carcass of some kind of small animal dangles from his jaws. He spits the mangled thing out and it disappears into the gloom.

"Do not hesitate during our battle, Al," he says and the words slice through my heart like razor-blades. He knows the effect that sentence would have on me. Those seven words have the power to kill me.

But I don't let them. I have to be strong. I have to be stronger and smarter and faster than he is.

But how is that possible? Hadn't he been the one who said my lack of confidence would be my downfall way before my lack of confidence was actually my downfall. How can I defeat an opponent who can see the future.

The air in front of me shimmers with gold dust and shifts into a long golden sword with a jewel-studded hilt. I catch the blade before is clanks to the stone. The tip scraps against the stone as I lower my arm and sparks fly.

Only a blade that I've used to kill can destroy such a powerful enemy, Alvus says in my head. Now destroy him.

I raise the blade, ready for the battle that's coming.

"You cannot defeat me, child," Arosi growls, "give up now and I'll show mercy when I destroy the Council and enslave the Grounders."

I chuckle despite my nerves. "Only a coward asks his opponent to stand down."

He chuckles. "I find no shame in cowardice, Alaric. After a while you learn that sometimes it's not about being mighty it's about being wise. By sending my army of minions to the Network to fight my battles for me, it'll be much easier for my to tear apart the Council limb by limb when I'm finished with you and finally out of my chains."

Out of nowhere Arosi opens his massive jaw, and breathes and plume of fire straight into my direction.

I dive into the empty cell next to me, where that smaller dragon was caged before I killed it.

Heat waves bore down on me from outside the cell as Arosi's fire fills the entire corridor outside.

I close my eyes and imagine a sleek golden bow into my hands and a full, matching quiver and arrows slung around my back.

Bless these objects Albus Constantine, I think. Right then they begin to glow gold, like an angel's halo.

Before I end my conjuring I imagine a terrible burning sensation into Arosi's eyes. Hopefully that'll get him to stop with his fire breathing.

It works. Arosi howls in pain, his fire dissipating.

I swerve into the corridor with my bow loaded and fire blindly down the length of the stone hallway. The arrow pierced the scales on Arosi's throat

He howls in pain an claws at the arrow lodged in his scales. "You're asking to die!" He howls.

My mind is elsewhere though, I don't care about his threats.

All the wrought iron bars to the cells were melted away. Creatures were pouring from the array of cavities in the wall. A birdlike humanoid, a wolf humanoid, a hellhound.

I dove back into the empty cells and imagined the bars back into place. I need time to think.

The creatures clawed at the bars blocking my cell. I closed my eyes and though about what would make them all go away.

I imagine a glasslike wall going up around the bars. Then imagine cracks forming in the walls all over the corridor. Thick, red-hot, molten magma oozes from the crack and pours onto the demonic creatures outside.

The screams of agony coming from outside fill every dark crevice on my mind, making my head fill full. I scream loudly, a vain attempt to block out the sounds of pain, pain I caused. I can let remorse get in my way of victory. Not today.

Today I will do everything it takes to win, even if that means becoming an emotionless, monotonous, killer.

The Network ( Book One of the Grounders Series )Where stories live. Discover now