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They'd been traveling the pipe for an hours when they came to the end. Unfortunately it ended over a massive chasm.

Far below was the canyon Jonah could never remember the name to. The only thing he cared about now was getting to the other side, back into the Network. He was so close to being home.

But something nagged at the back of his brain. He still felt guilty for leaving Cicada and Alaric to fight Arosi alone, but he knew they were strong enough to handle it.

But on the other hand he didn't. He had no idea what had been in that tunnel he'd seen through the water. He had no idea if they were even still alive. Arosi could be headed his way this minute.

"How do we get across?" Kalin asks.

Jonah's head ached like hell from conjuring so many images to get them through the pipes, so he'd half to go small scale this time. He couldn't zap him and Kalin across the chasm the easy way or he'd pass out and fall into it.

The best he could do was a narrow beam balancing out of the end of the pipe and on the top of the stone wall across from them.

"I'll go first," Kalin says.

He steps gingerly onto the beam, balancing easy but going slowly.

It was only a matter of time before Kalin was in the Network.

This gave Jonah confidence that'd he'd be able to cross. But he only made it about halfway across the beam before he lost him balance and was hanging about the chasm win his hand clamped to the side of his walkway.

"Hang on!" Kalin shouts.

"Look at your feet!" Jonah shouts back. Kalin obeys and finds a length of rope laying neatly in a bundle at his feet where Jonah had conjured it.

Kalin casts the rope out to the chasm and Jonah catches it, letting go of the beam and swinging.

His head hurt so badly, he was to disoriented to pick his feet up and cushion himself against the wall of the chasm. He slammed straight into and heard a pop as his shoulder slipped out of its socket.

"Damn it," he cursed then shouted to Kalin, "pull me up, I can't climb my arms dislocated!"

Kalin yanked the rope up, up until Jonah was on solid ground, beside him.

Jonah was gasping and heaving as he collapsed to the ground. "We need to warn th-them," he said weakly.

Kalin turned to look at the abandoned water filtration systems of Lithana. He'd always heard about this place as a child in Arocule, but he'd never actually come hear.

As soon as he turns he'd regrets it.

Standing at the edge of the clan was a massive army of minions, all thirsty for their blood.

The Network ( Book One of the Grounders Series )Where stories live. Discover now