Chapter 7

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Ok peeps I know I took me forever to update but I wanted to make a long chapter for you guys and gals. I had so many short chapters so yeah. ok I will stop talking now, to the story.
---six weeks later---

Toby's POV

I open my eyes it was still dark I look at my clock 4:18 AM. "the fuck" I whispered to myself. I get up and walk downstairs, of course no one was down here. I walk into the kitchen and grab some bread and put into the toaster. I wait for about two minutes.

My toast popped I grab a the toast and start to eat. When I was done I was 4:23 "what the fuck time." I sigh and walk back upstairs I open my door closing it behind me. I flop onto my bed hitting my head on the wall in the process, I didn't feel anything.

'What can I do." i said to myself I look around my room. "we could kill someone' my voices started again "just fuck off will you."I sat up "why? I can't go anywhere where you go I go it is that simple." it chuckles i growled

'I don't feel like killing someone right now it is to much work going to town finding a unlocked window and all the stuff."I sighed

"You don't have to do any of that."

I was confused now "what do you mean."

"Your in a house full of people kill one of them how about we start with that masked boy." it giggles

"No I not going to kill Masky." I cover my ears with my hand. Trying to get them to be quite but it didn't work.

"You can't shut us out and masky hates you I can tell so why not kill him."

"Will he is never going to die so stop trying." I cruel up into a ball.

"Oh is the little twitching freak scared of me."

I wasn't afraid of my voices I was afraid of what they would make me do to Masky. "No I am not afraid of you." I look at the clock 6:53

"Why are you so protective of this Masky I know your little secret I could make you say it In from of him if I want to." it laughs

"don't you ever think about it." I blush

"oh I will one day I will tell him and then kill him."

I felt anger bold inside of me "JUST SHUT UP." I grab one of my hatchets.

Masky's POV

I open my eyes Hoodie was right in front of me. "what is it Brian" he looks at are door. "I hear talking Toby and I'm scared." I sigh pull on some pants and walk to the door "wait Tim here'" Hoodie hands me my mask. I smile and pull it on and walk out of the room.

I knock on Toby's  door. This is the second time Toby."I whispered to myself "don't you ever thing about" I hear Toby say. I was confused "umm Toby it's me Masky" I knock again "JUST SHUT UP"I hear him yellz I jumped back at his sudden outburst. Opening his door my eyes widened. Toby was on the floor with one of his hatchets in his arm. Blood ran down his arm till it hit the floor, making a small pool of the crimson liquid. He pulled it out and was about it do again. I grab his hand to keep it from hitting his arm again. He freezes and turns his head to me  tears in his eyes. "ma-mas-ky" He drops his hatchet on the floor. "Toby what do you think you doing." I tried to keep myself from yelling at him.

"I-it would n-no-t sto-p an-d I..."his eyes widen and pulled my hand away. He backs up away from me.

"Toby tell me what is wrong please." I sat down next to him.

"Please j-just g-go."

I sighed "Toby I am not leaving until you tell me what is wrong." he puts his head onto my lap. I felt my face heat up I am happy I'm wearing my mask, thank you Hoodie for reminding me.

"I can't you will hate me more then you all ready do."

'Toby I don't hate you." he looks up at me.

"but th-they to-told me y-you di-did'

I moved my hand threw his hair. "who are they" he doesn't respond. "Can you tell me." he nods

"Th-they're th-the vo-ices in my he-head."

"Oh...well what did they say."

A light pink goes across his face. "I rather not say."

"Please tell me Toby, I won't think any different about you."he sighs

"theywantyoudead' I couldn't understand him.

"Can you say the slower."he teases up.

"They wa-want you dea-d."

My eyes widen "Toby I will be fine this is all in your head,none of this is real they're not real."

Hope you enjoyed <3

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