Chapter 33

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"I won't tell you." The girl responds, tears going down her cheeks fear still in her eyes.

Toby sighs "Listen bitch, we don't have all day. Just tell us where your little friends are and we'll go easy."

She stays silent, her body beginning to shake.

"We don't have time of this." He looks at the wooden door, near a table full of old melted dusty candles. "Bingo." He beings to walk over to the door.

"Please!" She shouts.

"Well you shut up." He tries to open the door, but of course it was locked. "Welp."

The proxy pulls his good old hatchet out and begins hacking the door. Wooden chunks fly to the floor and dust going into the air. The door felt like nothing hitting against the sharp tool. The wood was rotten and old, covered in small vines and a few glass pieces from the windows. The door finally gave out, and fell to the ground. Inside it was dark the little bit of light shown by moon. Spider webs in the corners of the room , wood chips, and broken glass littered the floor below. Toby steps forwards and felt something hit his shoe. It looked to be a flashlight. He picks up the light and examines it the light looked freshly bought, well ignoring some of the scratch marks on the handle and glass. He throws it to where Masky and the chick were. The masked man still having the knife to her neck picks it up with his free hand.

"They probably ran further into the room." He comments.

"Yeah, just slit the girl's throat or tie her up."

"Well she could still be of use so, we'll keep her hostage." He takes out a zip tie and puts it around the girl's hands, holding them together. He grabs her by the back of the shirt and pull her off the bench and pushes her forward. "Walk" he demands

The girl nods slowly and she walks up to the door with Masky still holding her shirt, so she did speed off.

The three enter the room, Masky flips the switch on the flashlight. The room had furniture that was covered with white dusty blankets, the floorboards making a crack with every step they took, the ceiling having a few holes letting the moonlight shine in.

"Smells like death." Toby comments

The girl looks at him confused and Masky just turns to him.

He could feel them staring. "What?"

"Nothing." The other proxy response with a chuckle.

Masky shins the flashlight around the room looking for any entrances or organisms. He stops at a dark brown door that looks like it led in a basement. The three make their way over and the younger proxy turns the door handle and surprisingly it was unlocked.

"Della?" A whisper came from the basement.

Toby shock his head and looks at the teenager. He then got an idea.

"Hand her to me and cover her mouth"

Masky nods and lets go of her and puts his hand over her mouth. She lets out a muffled sob. Toby grabs her by the arm and brought the hatchet blade to her neck. Slowly cutting it across her neck. Her eyes water before the life disappears. Tim removes his hand and Toby lines the girl's still standing body with the stairs.

"Walk down but slow." 

Masky didn't have much of a clue what the younger proxy was trying to do but, went along with it anyways. He moved pass him and begins walking down. Once he got to about the fifth step he heard a thud. He was about to turn around until he saw the girl body fall down the steps, going into the dark abyss. A loud gasp came from down below, before rushed footsteps ended it.

Toby walks down with a questionable look on his face. The masked man had no idea what he was trying to accomplished with doing that. 

They reach the bottom of the stairwell and Masky begins to shine the flashlight across the room. The lights of room flicker on temporarily blinding the man. He blinks his eyes letting them adjust to the new light.

First he notices his lover. Who was now walking away from the light switch. Toby expression was blank. The boy strolls over to the old proxy and stands next to him.

"You seeing this?" Toby questions

"See what?"

He pulls up his arm from his side and points to the front of the room. Masky turns his head an his eyes widen at the sight that stands before him. Four bodies hung from the ceiling three male one female. All the bodies expect one still had a slight motion of swaying back and forth. Another female lay on the ground her sleeves rolled up and her wrists having fresh cuts all over, like she tried to do to quickly. The blood covered a shard of glass in her hand just showed just how much pain it was without something simple.

Masky covered the mouth of his mask as if he was about to throw up. He turned his back away from the sight not wanting to look at it any longer. He coughs a bit his body a little shaky.

"Are the pages anywhere?!" The male question his voice quivering.

Toby scanned the room. "Oh there they are" he strolls over and pick up the scribbled on papers below one of the bodies. "What do you think this was? A sacrifice? Suicide?"

"I really don't care Toby. I just...would like to move on."

"Alright" he skips over to his lover and grabs his hand. Giving him a warm smile.

The two walk out of the building hand in hand. Masky sighs and removes his mask giving the smaller boy a kiss on the cheek. 

"We don't have to be back right at this moment." He spoke however it sounded a bit off and broken. He smiles and pulls the younger male to the forest line.

Tim stops and lets go of the boy's hand and plops himself onto the grassy ground. Letting his body relax as his spin hits the tree behind him. Toby stands for a moment before gently setting his body down. He stares at the collection of houses on the road before turning his head to look at his partner.

The male found himself staring at his features and how someone this perfect would love someone like himself. Before Toby knew it he felt an arm go around him pushing him to the taller male's chest. He looks up to see a small smile on Tim's lips. He decided not to let the dark thoughts cloud his mind no longer. Closing his eyes and focusing on the heartbeat of his partner. Wondering about what the future might hold for the two. The sound cut off.

Maybe just for one.

You all know what I'm going to say, but let me say it anyways.
I'd like to thank you all for reading my cringe of a story. I honestly classify this as the first story I've written, because honestly the first I didn't know jack shìt about writing.
I had my ups and downs with this story. All of you have probably seen it in my comment replies. However this story will still hold a place in my heart.
Thank you all for reading and I hope some of you will stick around for my other stories.
Have a wonderful lives my peeps. <3

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