Chapter 20

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Masky POV

I never felt it tho. Opening my eyes I looked up at the man his eyes wide as he points the gun at me again. A pistol when off as the man's lifeless body felt to the ground. I looked back to Brian his hand that held the gun was shacking. I felt something cold on my chest I looked down. My eyes widened underneath my mask as my blood ran cold at the seen before me. Toby hands were around me holding me close as blood dropped from his chest onto mine. Indicating the bullet probably went through but stopped before it could hit me. "A-re y-you o-ok" Toby said weakly before falling limp. "T-Toby" I spoke but got no response. "Brian help me here" I said almost yelling. Brian ran over to us pick up Toby holding him close.

"What about you" he asked looking down at my leg.

"Just go."


"Just go!" I interrupted him. "Please just go." I felt myself on the verge of tears.

With that Brian left Toby in his hands. I slowly got up ignoring the pain going through my body. I only had one thing on my mind and that was Toby. I walked through the cold empty forest trying to keep my eyes open.

I opened the doors as Brian ran up to me. He helped me up the stairs into EJ's infirmary. I caught a glimpsed of Toby almost lifeless body. Then everything when black.

I opened my eyes to see Nurse Ann next to me holding some cloth. "oh you're awake" she said as she placed the cloth down.

"Where's Jack' I asked

"He was tending to Toby. He can't two people at once so I'll help."

"Oh thank you. Where is Toby by the way"

"He over there" she point across the room.

Toby was lying on his side his back facing me. He had bandages over his back a little blood stained through them. I killed me seeing him like this knowing that he did it to protect me. Why couldn't I just be stronger and not a fucking weakling.

"Tim" I looked back at Nurse Ann.

"Yeah what is it"

"How did you get together with Toby" she asked well pulling off her mask that covered her mouth.

"I guess I owe it to Hoodie." She started move a bit closer to me but I didn't think much of it.

"Oh that's cute your best friend helping you out." She was now a little to close me. Started to feel a little uncomfortable I backed up a bit trying not to let her notice.

"You want know what I think tho" she said moving even more closer to me.

"What?" I asked backing up move until I hit the medical desk that had pills, bandages, and needles. I didn't wants to get pricked by one of the needles fearing what they had in them. I was stuck between Nurse Ann and this fucking medical desk.

Hope you enjoyed.
I really don't have much to say so yeah.
Hopefully there wasn't any spelling mistakes if there is please tell me because sometimes I don't even notice.

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