Chapter 13

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Ok so a lot if you peeps wanted a lemon so that will happen later in the book. I don't know when. It's probably going to horrible but I will still try, ok to the story.
Masky's POV

I knew Toby was just trying to make me feel better but that wasn't going to work. I didn't really hear the conversation no ever a single word but with Brian it could be anything it's probably something important.

Hoodie's POV

I lay down on my bed starring up at the ceiling. Well i probably made Toby worry about Tim now. I thought to my self I got up and opened Tim's nightstand draw and removed the small cloth to revile piles,bcigarette packages and a pocket knife. I sigh and pick up one of the pill bottles. The label was a little scratched off but they were some painkillers as I could tell. I threw the bottle of medicine back in the draw shutting it and leaving the room. I walk downstairs Ben was playing video games with Jeff. Ben was most likely winning. Sally was helping Jane cook dinner. I didn't really have anything to do. I wonder if Slender Man has a mission I can do. I walked to Slender
man's office I knocked on the door. "come in" I opened the door and sit down on the dark brown chair. "What do you need child" he asked me. "I was wondering if you had any missions that I could do...alone" I answer his question. He pull out some papers looking through them. 'I only have one mission if you want to work alone' I nod 'ok then he hands me a piece of paper i thanked him and left the room

[By the way the things on the paper are made up.]
I look at the paper with a picture of a girl in the corner it reads...

Name: Jessica Fisher
Looks:blonde hair, green eyes, light skin
Address: 14 Western Street
Family members: She doesn't live with them anymore.
Job: to kill
Type of job: Alone work

I place the piece of paper in my pocket and left.

I reached the girl's house it was a small white house with a stone pathway i walk to the back of the house and climd in the window i pecked into the kitchen she was there making some food and listening to country music. I snuck by her and hid behind the counter. I peck my head up a bit she open the fridge looking for...something. I jump out of my hiding spot stabbing her in the back of the neck with my knife. She fell dead on the ground some blood flowing out of her neck. I looked around the house might at well take somethings from here. I search the cabinets and found some can goods and placed then into my bag. Next I ran upstairs to her bedroom grabbing some new video game for Ben. Lastly walked into the bathroom next pulling out disinfectant, gauss and some pills from the medicine cabinet.

I walked back into the door everyone was eating dinner. "Oh child you back did you complete the mission" Slendy asked me I nod and walk into the kitchen putting away the caned foods. "oh Ben here" I threw some games at him. 'oh my zalgo thank you hoodie' he smiles and runs up to me pulling me into a hug.

Masky's POV

Brian threw some video games at Ben 'oh my zalgo thank you hoodie' Ben said smiling as he ran up to hug him. After the small hug Brian walked upstairs still bag in hand. "excuse me sir but what was the mission" I asked Slendy "I just sent him to kill a girl that's it." "Oh ok" I turn back to my food and continue to eat. "whe-n c-can we all go o-n a mission together sir" Toby asked Slendy "When the time comes child" he spoke in a clam tone Toby signed and continue to eat his food.

Ok that's chapter 13 I know. I focused on Hoodie's mission but come on he is they one who got Toby and Masky together to I gave him some spotlight.

Next chapter will be up soon don't worry.

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