Chapter 6.

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Miho explained everything to Zuri about Soul Society and what else she needed to know. Each one of them hoped the information Zuri was given would convince her to control her powers but it didn’t. In fact it made her even more scared of the power she held.

Zuri walked home, as she entered the front door she saw a doctor holding Daichi, her little brother, Daichi was screaming and wailing.

“W-what’s wrong with him?” Zuri asked, not caring who answered her question but she wanted answers.

“We’re not quite sure, but he’s having nightmares and would wake up crying” the doctor mumbled placing Daichi back in his cot.

Zuri looked down at him, a dark aura covered his body.

“How long has he been like this?” She asked still staring down at the crying infant.

“Since yesterday” The doctor mumbled walking out the room.

Since yesterday, which was when he came in contact with the hollow” she thought to herself, as the dark aura engulfed him more. “What did they do to him?”

Zuri bit her bottom lip, how can she help him? She knelt down next to his cot and reached her hand in to stroke his head, as she did the dark that surrounded him wrapped around her hand and started kissing at her skin, some even got absorb by her. Zuri gasped and pulled her hand back, the dark remained on her little brother. He kept wailing and crying, sounding like he was in agony.

Zuri ran into her room and fell onto her bed hitting her pillow over and over again.

What’s happening?” she questioned herself

Then she rolled over and stared out her window, the moon shone exceptional bright today, she sighed. Zuri sat up in her bed and locked her door, then headed over to the window, the wind brushed past her sending shivers down her spine; she leapt down off the window ledge.

A walk will help me clear my head” she thought to herself smiling slightly.

As Zuri walked along the streets path she thought long and hard about everything she was told. Now that Miho told her about being a Shinigami—Death God—she didn’t know whether she too wanted to control her power and become one.

A ripple in the sky opened up revealing a masked face that belonged to a Hollow. Zuri paused frightened. Surely Ichigo or even Miho would come and destroy the hollow. She waited. Nothing. No-one was coming.

Zuri bit her lower lip. A soul ran past her screaming, it was a little girl she had brown hair in pigtails. Then the girl tripped landing right at Zuri’s feet.

Out of the dust cloud near the buildings came the hollow’s hand; it grabbed onto the girl’s body and started dragging her away.

“H-help .... me!” she screamed looking Zuri straight in the eye

Zuri’s body was frozen to the spot her eyes were wide with fear. The hollow flung the girl’s body around like a rag doll. She screamed. Zuri’s stance broke, her reiatsu rose, the white and black energy she held within her body wrapped around her like armour and changed her clothes. She was now in her version of the Shinigami uniform.

A Zanpakuto formed in her hand. She raised the sword and pointed it at the Hollow, her eyes no longer held fear, now they held nothing, but the will to kill. Her personality changed to its blood thirsty nature. An evil smirk formed on her face.

“Your luck just ran out” She smirked slamming her Zanpakuto down on the hollow’s mask it shattered and dissolved in the air.

Blood from the beast splattered everywhere, Zuri laughed a menacing laugh. If anyone could hear it, it would send shivers down their spines. The laughed seemed to be mainly made up of the death, pain and the will to kill. Zuri thrived off that power to kill.

The girl screamed as she headed straight for the ground, Zuri ran forward and caught the girl; her will to kill had vanished and was replaced with concern.

“Are you okay?” She asked the soul

The girl merely nodded back “Thank you”

Then she ran off leaving Zuri stood in the middle of the street alone. Her body gave way and she tumbled to the ground on all fours and she hated killing the hollows but deep down she knew that she loved it, that’s why she feared it.

Zuri scurried off home shaking. As she re-entered her bedroom window she ran into the bathroom and had a shower in hopes she would rub off the scent and blood of the hollow. A shudder went through her body. Zuri stood in the shower letting the warm droplets of water massage her tense muscles, while they were doing this she had time to think.

Where was Ichigo and Miho?” she questioned “What if I wasn’t there?

Zuri left the shower and wrapped a towel round her body, she dressed into a large t-shirt headed off to bed.

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