Chapter 9.

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The next day at school was a normal boring day. It went smoothly no Hollow’s appeared which Ichigo was thankful for, but Zuri was doubtful, she wanted to fight another Hollow, but she also didn’t want to because she was scared that she wouldn’t transform.

Zuri and Miho became extremely close to Rukia, they would even class each other as best friends, they acted like they knew each other for years when in fact it has only been a few days.

A screech echoed throughout all their ears, each one of them stopped and listened. Ichigo was the first to act; he changed into a Shinigami and jumped from building to building closely followed by Zuri, she wanted to test herself.

As they neared the Hollow, Zuri gasped. This hollow was huge it must have been three or four times the size of normal Hollows.

Ichigo quickly got to work and jumped up toward the Hollow slicing it arm, it didn’t fall off, only a scratch form. The Hollow punched Ichigo away; he landed a few metres behind Zuri.

Zuri tensed her body, she had to transform. The Hollow edged its way toward Zuri. She closed her eyes hopping that would help her transform.

“M-move!” Ichigo choked out.

Zuri opened up her eyes to see the Hollow only metres away, she then closed her eyes again waiting for the impact. But nothing.

She opened one eye to see Ichigo; the hollow’s hand was in his stomach forcing him to choke up blood.

“You saved me...” Zuri spoke stunned by what Ichigo had done, then anger took over “You could have died!”

“Shut up, Shorty” Ichigo smirked repeating what Zuri said when she killed the Hollow a few days ago.

Ichigo then sliced down the Hollow’s mask and stood in front of Zuri with his Zanpakuto lazily placed on his shoulder. Ichigo coughed again, blood oozed out the side of his mouth, lazily he wiped it away and looked at Zuri out the corner of his eye.

“You alright, Shorty?” he asked in a serious tone.

Zuri nodded and walked along the road beside Ichigo. As they headed home, Ichigo turned back into his human form and walked Zuri home, as they approached her house, they saw her parents stood outside shaking their heads and glaring at Zuri.

“Shit” Zuri cursed under her breath.

“ZURI!” Her mother shouted, black bags had formed under her eyes.

“Hm?” Zuri mumbled bored.

“We got a letter home from school, saying you skipped” her father yelled.

Then both of her parents noticed Ichigo. They studied him, he was lean and tall about 5’9, muscle had started forming on his body due to all the training, he had bright neon orange hair making him stand out and seem unwanted. They instantly disliked him.

“You skipped school with a boy!?” They both screeched at the same time.

“I hate him, so its fine” Zuri mumbled brushing her hand through her hair.

Ichigo winced at her comment; she can still say that with a straight face even though he just saved her life.

“No its not fine, young lady!” Her father yelled pointing at finger at her, then he turned to Ichigo glaring at him “And you, you better stay away from my daughter, I know your kind, being in gangs and always getting into fights! I’ve heard all about you Ichigo Kurosaki!”

Ichigo winced and flinched at his words.

“My daughter shouldn’t being hanging around with orange-haired scum like you!” Her father shouted, the whole street turned to look at them, and then carried on.

Mr Watanabe was furious; he didn’t want his daughter to ruin her life by hanging out with Ichigo, he knew far more about Ichigo than he let on. More than anyone would have expected him to.

Neither Zuri or her mum knew what to do, they had never see Mr Watanabe this angry before. It scared them a bit actually, but Zuri shrugged it off.

“Dad!” She shouted, her eye twitching slightly

Mr Watanabe turned and looked at his daughter, he knew all about her temper and split personality problems, but he and his wife would shrug it off and act like it never happened, saying she was the perfect child when they both knew she wasn’t and would never be.

“When I say its fine” she stopped to take a deep breath in hope of calming herself down, it didn’t work so she ended up growling the next words “I mean it.”

Mr Watanabe sighed then glared at Ichigo muttering a few incoherent. Ichigo knew that was his cue to leave so he did.

“Bye” he mumbled to Zuri.

She didn’t reply back with words but she showed it through her eyes, she also showed that she was sorry for what her father said, she knew it hurt him more than he let on.

Zuri entered the house and walked straight toward her little brother’s room, he wasn’t there. He was still in hospital. Daichi’s condition hadn’t worsened but they also hadn’t gotten better. Zuri glanced down at her hands as she leant against the doorway to her brother’s room.

Nothing’s happened” She thought to herself, shadows danced along her skin, “Will they continue to consume my brother’s dreams?

Zuri sighed. The training she has been doing should be helping her brother but it hasn’t done anything, not even a little. Was she doing the right thing? She didn’t know, but the one thing she did know was that she had to control the power inside her whether she liked it or not.

Travelling back to her room Zuri sat on her bed and scanned her room, she hadn’t noticed before but darkness shrouded her room, everything had a light blanket of shadow’s covering them. You could barely notice it, but if you looked close enough you could see it.

Zuri rolled over and looked out the window at the bright moon shinning down on the town below making it look like a large city town. It seemed as if it had no worries. She knew otherwise though.

Zuri soon drifted off into a deep slumber, the shadow’s consuming her dreams, but she liked it that way.

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