Chapter 19.

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Zuri just carried on running, her eyes welled up with tears, but she wouldn’t let them fall, not for anyone. Zuri’s father’s voice was becoming muffled the more she ran, so she ended up stopping near the bridge and looked down at the water.

Zuri felt the darkness erupt within her body, she suddenly felt evil and full of death. Wanting to kill she formed into her Shinigami uniform and grabbed her Zanpakuto. She jumped from building to building waiting for Hollow’s to attack but nothing.

What Zuri was unaware of was that a group of people dressed in white was silently studying her. The first man had blue hair and had a bone structure of a jaw along his face his name was; Grimmjow. He grinned down at Zuri and felt the power radiate off her body. Her anger made her oblivious to their reiatsu and the fact that they were watching her.

“So she’s the one he wants?” Grimmjow mumbled to himself.

Grimmjow disappeared back through a portal in the sky grinning evilly to himself. Zuri looked up at the sky and roared like an animal. Why weren’t there any Hollows when you need them?

Growling Zuri slammed her Zanpakuto down on the roof of the building with all her might and then jumped away to watch as it tumbled to the ground. The people inside the building screaming in fear and agony. She just laughed.

Rukia ran outside of Urahara’s shop and started helping the family, Zuri growled at Rukia and jumped down to her level constantly glaring at her.

“Zuri, calm down” Rukia spoke politely while the family ran.

Zuri didn’t answer she just growled and bared her teeth at Rukia. Zuri grabbed the end of her Zanpakuto and pointed it at Rukia. Rukia backed away slightly, for she wasn’t in her Shinigami form. Zuri jumped and sliced down Rukia’s stomach but her attack was blocked by Ichigo. He was struggling against force of her attack.

“Oi!” Ichigo shouted as Zuri jumped back away from them both, then he looked at Rukia.

“Urahara said that, Zuri will remain in her bloodlust state until she has killed, she will remain in that state forever if she has to” Rukia said bluntly

“Is there something we can do?” Ichigo asked.

“No, we were waiting for a Hollow to appear, but none have come so far” Rukia looked up at the sky.

Ichigo looked back at Zuri to see she held an evil glint in her eyes and saw her hands twitching in anticipation around the handle of her Zanpakuto. Ichigo studied her eyes to see that they were jet black full of hatred and bloodlust. They held nothing but emptiness, the shine in them was gone and replaced with death.

Zuri jumped toward Ichigo and sliced down his chest but he jumped away just in time onto a building where he could look down at her. Zuri smirked up at him. He recognised a look in her eyes that he once had; when his Hollow side took over.

“Well, well, well, looks like the Strawberry has come to play” Zuri spat, her voice was longer smooth and gently but cold and evil.

Ichigo’s eyes widened, that voice, it sounded like a Hollow. Zuri cackled at the look on Ichigo’s face and suddenly appeared in front of him grinning.

“Scared?” she laughed, her eyes held a yellow tint to them.

Her eyes...? Just like a Hollow” Ichigo thought to himself as he blocked Zuri’s blow.

Ichigo kept blocking all of Zuri’s attacked, he didn’t want to fight back, but he knew he would have to so he sliced down her arms and legs making them bleed. Ichigo waited for her to fall, but she kept her stance strong, her wounds weren’t effecting her like he expected them to. Instead she became stronger and more willing to kill.

Zuri kept slashing her Zanpakuto down against Ichigo’s, the evil grin stayed plastered on her face the whole time. Ichigo groaned when she sliced at his arm nearly making him drop his Zanpakuto. Ichigo’s grip on his Zanpakuto loosened as he collapsed to the floor.

Zuri knelt down beside him and lifted up his chin, their noses lightly brushed up against each other, Ichigo blushed at their closeness. Zuri brushed her lips up against Ichigo’s in a teasing manner, lightly kissing him before pulling away.

“You’re cute...” she smiled “....shame I have to kill you”

Ichigo gulped, this wasn’t Zuri, and her eyes were still black. Zuri pulled her Zanpakuto back aiming the tip for Ichigo’s heart and shot it forward. Ichigo’s eyes stayed glued to Zuri’s face. Was her really going to die? Did she really kiss him while she was in that state? What is she? Many questions Ichigo wanted answers for.

Zuri’s Zanpakuto stopped right before getting Ichigo’s heart, her eyes widened as they turned back to their normal sea blue colour. Gasping she dropped her Zanpakuto and feel forward into Ichigo, her lips pressing up against his once more before she landed on his chest unconscious.

“What happened to her Urahara?” Rukia asked out of nowhere.

“Her powers must have drained” he stated.

“But she wasn’t even fighting long” Ichigo mumbled as he looked down at Zuri.

“It was because she released a lot of it while we were in Soul Society” Rukia said placing her hand on her chin in deep thought.

“That’s lucky, otherwise she could have lasted almost a day longer” Urahara fanned himself and walked into his store.

Ichigo rubbed his face with his hand while sighing “Her parents are going to kill me”

Ichigo picked Zuri up and walked back to her house with her in his arms ‘bridal style’ the front door burst open to reveal the panicked face of her mother who rushed toward Zuri and kissed her forehead over and over again. Then she noticed the cuts all over her body.

“What happened to her?” her mother asked concerned.

“Some guys tried mugging her she fought back but they got her, then I came” Ichigo mumbled.

“Thank you for saving her!” her mother beamed “I knew you were a good boy”

Ichigo looked taken back by her comment and then he gave Zuri to her mother and walked home while thinking about what was happening to Zuri.

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