Chapter 24.

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Zuri was shown to a room where she would be staying the whole time she was in Hueco Mundo. No-on has bothered her since she had arrived and the pain was gone. The door opened with a loud bang, Zuri turned swiftly to face the intruder, the face she saw the glum looking face of Ulquiorra.

“Aizen has summoned you” he spoke walking off.

Zuri took that as a saying for her to follow him, so she did, they turned down many corridors before coming to a room that resembled a throne room. Aizen sat in a chair at the end of the room leaning his face on his hands while looking down at Zuri.

The 10 Espada stood around the room, they all stopped and looked as she entered, Zuri felt self-conscious about all the stares but nonetheless she held her head high and kept her eyes ahead of her.

“Zuri, you finally decided to join us” he said still holding the grin on his face.

Then Grimmjow stood up and jumped down to ground growling, everyone gasped at his sudden outburst but dared not move.

“Why did she join us?!” he yelled, “She’s just a midget--”

Zuri summoned some of Kurai’s strength and punched Grimmjow in the jaw; he turned to look at her cradling his bruised jaw. Her face held a smirk as well as an evil glint in her eyes. Grimmjow unsheathed his sword and aimed it at Zuri; she just lifted her arm up as a way to protect herself.

A clapping noise was heard, they all turned to see Aizen was he one clapping.

“That’s why she joined us, she is strong and can heal herself” he spoke.

They all turned to see that the wound on her arm was gone; it was as if it wasn’t there to begin with, but her clothes still remained stained with blood. Everyone in the room started discussing Zuri and if she would be a good recruit for their war on Soul Society.

“You may return to your room, Zuri” Aizen spoke calmly.

Zuri turned to leave and started walking back to her room, Ulquiorra followed her making sure she actually went to the room, but he stayed hidden so she wouldn’t know he was there.

Aizen watched her leave, he didn’t know anything about her powers he just knew the basics; she was powerful and could heal. But he wanted to find out more about her, so he was going to have to push her to her limits and if he has to he was going to force her to awaken the power inside.

Baraggan-the 2nd Espada- approached Aizen watching Zuri leave as well.

“What is she really here for Aizen?” he asked wisely.

“She is powerful so we could use that power and she will lead the Substitute Shinigami straight to us, along with his friends” Aizen laughed

Baraggan nodded along with all the other Espada.

I will train her to become one of us” he thought to himself.

---The Next Day--- (With Ichigo)

Ichigo sat up in his bed, his face still wet from Zuri’s tears; he sensed her reiatsu, that it was hear last night in his room. Ichigo placed his hands on his face and wiped the tears, he glanced out the window at the rising sun.

For the record, I like you to Strawberry

Zuri spoke those words to his dreams last night. Closing his eyes Ichigo searched for her reiatsu but he didn’t feel it, parts of it was everywhere around town but she was gone. No trace of her was left.

Later everyone gathered to talk about Zuri’s disappearance, Ichigo was worried about her, when things started going right something happens and it all goes wrong.

“Commandar Yamamoto is saying she is a traitor and as forth from today onward she will known as the enemy” Miho spoke her eyes welling up with tears “And that’s not the worst of it”

All eyes were on Miho as she nearly broke down into tears, Toshiro shyly grabbed onto her hand to comfort her, he blushed as he did so.

“They said, we treat her like the enemy, so if we see her we must ..... kill her” Miho then broke down into tears.

Toshiro hugged Miho into his chest in a protecting matter and kissed the top of her head. She blushed at the affection she was getting but it was replaced with tears from the loss of her best friend.

Commander Yamamoto appeared on the large TV next to them, everyone’s attention turned to him.

“She left on her own accord” he spoke

“How can you say that!?” Ichigo yelled growling slightly.

“Her reiatsu was last felt in your room, Ichigo...” he left the sentence open so everyone could figure it out.

As much as they hated admitting it, they couldn’t help but think that did go on her own accord, they knew Zuri as the type of kill to go down with a fight. Karakura town appeared to be in perfect shape no-where looked as if a fight had taken place, they all had the same thought yet known of them spoke it out loud.

“I now declare that Zuri Watanabe is a traitor!” Commander Yamamoto yelled before turning off the TV.

Ichigo started fuming and shouting “What?!”

Ichigo stood up his anger radiating off him, then he walked off slamming the door once he left, he needed time to think. Being alone was the only thing everyone could give him, they knew he and Zuri had a deep relationship, but they didn’t realise how deep it went.

Ichigo sat on the roof of his house and looked up toward the midnight sky, he didn’t want to believe that Zuri was a traitor but that thought was still deep inside his mind right at the back. A couple with a baby were walking toward his house, he looked down and noticed it was Mr and Mrs Watanabe, Zuri’s parents.

Entering his house, Ichigo walked to the front door and opened it, Mrs Watanabe looked like she had been crying and still was, Daichi was curled up in her arms crying while Mr Watanabe was glaring at Ichigo, he pushed himself inside Ichigo’s house and started looking around.

“Where is she?!” Mr Watanabe shouted.

“Who?” Ichigo’s dad, Isshin, walked out from the kitchen.

“My daughter!” Mr Watanabe shouted, then he pointed to Ichigo “Your son has been hanging around with her a lot lately”

Isshin turned to Ichigo then he broke out into a grin “Ichigo has a girlfriend!”

Ichigo blushed “N-no, I don’t”

“Zuri has run away and I know she’s here with Ichigo” Mr Watanabe yelled

Isshin eyed his son then looked back at Zuri’s family “She’s not here, sorry”

Mr Watanabe growled then left the house. Ichigo sighed and then composed himself and closed the front door, he turned to face his father who had a huge grin plastered on his face, Ichigo jumped.

“Ichigo has a girlfriend!” Isshin sang while dancing round the house.

Ichigo blushed “N-no, I don’t”

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