Chapter 20.

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Zuri woke up the next day with a headache, groaning she sat up in her bed suddenly remembering the events from yesterday she blushed. Why did she kiss Ichigo? Even in that state? Does she like Ichigo?

Shaking her head she hopped into the shower and gently washed her saw muscles, her wounds had healed thanks to Kiyoko but Zuri could still feel the pain. After finishing her shower she got dressed and grabbed her school bag.

Running down the stairs she legged it past her parents, she didn’t want to speak or see either one of them. Zuri walked to school deep in thought not realising that she already entered the school and was walking down the corridor till she bumped into someone and fell to the floor. She glanced up to see Ichigo and they both instantly blush.

“Move it, Strawberry” Zuri spat

“You should watch were you’re going, Shorty” Ichigo spat back.

That’s when the others noticed that they were both blushing and raised their eyebrows at them both before jumping to a conclusion.

“Why are you both blushing?” Inoue asked smiling.

“N-no reason!” Zuri and Ichigo shouted in unison

“Are you sure?” Keigo grinned at them both “They are in love!”

“We are not in love!” they shouted together once more.

“Did you guys kiss?” Keigo asked.

Both of our blushes reddened.

“You did!” Keigo then shouted clapping his hands together.

Everyone gasped then grinned at the two who were furiously blushing. Miho nudged Zuri while raising her eyes mumbled ‘ey, ey’ in a perverted manner. Zuri blushed again and hid her face away from the others.

“Oo, kissy kissy” Keigo and Miho smirked together while making kissing noises.

Zuri walked over to Keigo and kicked him in the gut while Ichigo elbowed him in the face.

Zuri thought for a moment. Does she like Ichigo? She shook her head, she thinks he’s cute but she hates him. Is that really a cover for her real feelings? She shook her head again. She then came to the conclusion that she didn’t like him.

“I’m bored” Zuri mumbled sighing as the teacher left them to self study.

“Let’s ply truth or dare!” Sasume cheered.

Everyone grinned and nodded in unison.

“Seeing as you’re the bored one, Zuri, truth or dare?” Miho asked.

Zuri pondered for a moment “Dare”

“I dare you to kiss Ichigo!” Miho grinned cheekilu

Zuri turned to face Ichigo and placed her knees on her seat, she then leaned over the desk and placed one hand on his while the other was on his neck then she smashed her lips against his. Fireworks exploded inside her head, electric shots tingled and vibrated through her body.

Zuri subconsciously deepened the kiss and then pulled Ichigo closer to her, then when she realised what she was doing she pulled away from him, smirking at his red face, then she turned to Miho who had her eye brow raised.

“Easy” Zuri grinned cockily.

Everyone in the classroom was staring at Ichigo’s red face and Zuri’s bored expression. Gasping some started whispering to each other.

“Are they going out?” One girl said.

“They hate each other” another girl mumbled.

They played the game for the next hour. Miho was dared to jump on the desk and had to tell the truth on how old she really was, she was 134 years old. Rukia had to go up to Keigo and kiss him. Inoue was dared to flirt with Chizuru. Chad told the truth as to why he would always protect Ichigo. Ichigo was dared to do Zuri’s homework for a month. Zuri grinned when he had to agree now she doesn’t have to do any homework.

The teacher then got everyone’s attention and carried on with the lesson handing out sheets of paper with the work on. Zuri flashed through all of the work but got stuck on question five. She turned around to Ichigo who still held a very faint blush over his cheeks.

“Oi, Strawberry, what’s the answer to question five?” she mumbled in a bored tone.

Ichigo then composed himself and growled at her calling him ‘Strawberry’

“Work it out yourself, Shorty!” Ichigo yelled back using his anger to cover up his blush.

“I don’t know how, so how can I work it out?!” Zuri shouted slamming her fist on the desks.

Then they both started bickering and calling each other names. Ichigo didn’t know why Zuri kissed him, she could have always not done it, he thought she hated him and he can’t deny the fact that he liked it. Whereas Zuri kept denying the fact that she liked the kiss and was starting to regret the decision of kissing him.

“Looks like they are back to their normal selves” Rukia and Inoue mumbled to themselves.

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